matlab answers -凯发k8网页登录 matlab answers -凯发k8网页登录 2023-06-08t04:58:04z,2005:question/1978434 2023-06-05t10:49:39z 2023-06-08t04:58:04z use of fminimax function to solve minimax game when i am using the fminimax function i am getting the same answer when i provide the different values of lambda. i have defined my utility function as different .m file. �fine the parameters and constants n = 5; % number of rows m = 4; % number of columns % define the matrices r, p, and d (example values) r0= [1, 1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1, 1]; % n x m matrix lambda= [0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02; 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02; 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02; 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02; 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02]; % n x m matrix d= [33, 38, 5, 38; 2, 15, 3, 4; 19, 29, 13, 7; 7, 45, 43, 19; 25, 22, 15, 25]; c0=[299, 253, 196, 227, 204]; initial guess u=utility_3(r0,lambda,c0,d,n,m); f=@utility_3; lb = [0,0,0,0,0]; % lower bounds ub = [300,300,300,300,300]; % upper bounds aeq=[1,1,1,1,1]; %coefficient vector of ci beq=[394]; %budget [c, fval,maxfval,output] = fminimax(f, c0, [], [], aeq, beq, lb, ub); % print the optimal solution and objective value disp('allocation:'); disp(c); disp('expected loss:'); disp(fval); disp('maximum expected loss and attack strategy'); disp(max(fval,[],2)); akshay tanaji bhosale,2005:question/1977734 2023-06-03t13:32:56z 2023-06-08t04:57:36z one of the colorbars is going out of the figure window i am trying to bring two pcolor plots on top of each other with different colormaps. one of the colorbars goes out of the figure window, have tried placing the colorbar in other places like southoutside or westoutside and the same problem persists. is there any better way to do it? any help is appreciated. f = figure; ax = gca; ax(2) = copyobj(ax, ax.parent); linkprop([ax(1), ax(2)], {'xlim', 'ylim','position', 'view'}); p = pcolor(ax(1), xc, yc, e); set(p, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'facealpha', 1); set(ax(1), 'colormap', bone); cb(1) = colorbar(ax(1), 'eastoutside'); p2 = pcolor(ax(2), xc, yc, d); set(p2, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'facealpha', 0.5); set(ax(2), 'colormap', copper); cb(2) = colorbar(ax(2), 'northoutside'); ax(2).visible = 'off'; ax(1).xaxis.fontsize = 14; ax(1).yaxis.fontsize = 14; ax(2).xaxis.fontsize = 14; ax(2).yaxis.fontsize = 14; ax(1).fontsize = 14; ax(2).fontsize = 14; xlabel('x(\mum)'); ylabel('y(\mum)'); %exportgraphics(gcf, 'trial.png', 'resolution', 300); santhosh krishnamurthy,2005:question/1933210 2023-03-22t08:45:32z 2023-06-08t04:55:07z assistance on offline installation of documentation i went through the referred link and i am failing to comprehend step 2 and 3. i am kindly requesting for the meaning of "navigate to bin/, where  is the operating system for this computer." because when i try to run the step 3 command on cmd , i am getting the error "mpm not recognized as an internal or external command" ivan tadiwanashe chuma,2005:question/1979164 2023-06-06t14:55:24z 2023-06-08t04:48:37z euro sign when using latex interpreter this has been asked before, of course, but not in a couple of years, so i'd like to ask again: is it possibly by now to use the euro symbol, €, when using latex as the interpreter, e.g. for legend entries? and if so, how? something as simple as text(.5, .5, "€", "interpreter", "latex") breaks, as does (\texteuro requires no additional packages anymore these days btw) text(.5, .5, "\texteuro", "interpreter", "latex") and this is rather annoying: consider the case where one (and only one!) of your legend entries in a more complicated plot is suddenly rendered using the tex interpreter, say. people have asked about this in 2015, in 2017 (twice), and in 2018, and the answer's always been "this is not possible". it's been years since then. matlab is a commercial product with outstanding development and support teams, and does not come cheap. i hope that this time, the answer will be "yes, this has been implemented" (or at the very least, "no, not yet, but we will do so for the next release"; i'll be happy to file an rfe in that case if it helps). thanks, chris christian schröder,2005:question/1979814 2023-06-07t17:15:51z 2023-06-08t04:39:00z old simulink models wont run in 2023a, requires aerospace toolbox, did not before all older versions of our simulink model do not run in 2023a due to wanting aerospace toolbox. we do not have that tool box and we have never had it. we have not changed the simulink model. how can i get my model functional again? i have tried openeing in 2023a and saving to older format and repoening but it still flags the blocks as needing aerospace blockset/toolbox. thank you very much! valerie,2005:question/1979929 2023-06-08t00:46:23z 2023-06-08t04:38:53z imufilter results seem incorrect hi, i used an imu to collect acceleration and gyroscope that are under the sensor's local coordinate system. the local acceleration and gyroscope were low-pass filtered with cut-off frequency of 10hz. then i used imufilter to calculate the rotation matrix and transformed the local acceleration. the code is as follows. % read csv file data = readmatrix(data_path); timestamp = data(:, 1); acc = data(:, 2:4); % acc size: n * 3 gyro = data(:, 5:7); % calculate orientation fuse = imufilter('samplerate', 50, 'orientationformat', 'rotation matrix'); [orientation, ] = fuse(acc, gyro); % orientation size: 3 * 3 * n % transform acc [rows, cols] = size(acc); earth_acc = zeros(rows, cols); for n = 1:rows earth_acc(i, :) = acc(i, :) * orientation(:, :, i); end then the transformed acceleration seems to be incorrect. to be more specific, the local acceleration looks like the following picture, where x-axis is frame, and y-axis is acceleration (m/s^2). however, the transformed acceleration looks like the following picture. to me, it just looks like noise. can you please help me to figure out what is going on with the code? thank you! yunda liu,2005:question/1979944 2023-06-08t02:37:01z 2023-06-08t04:37:19z dpigen post-generation command failure hi, i'm currently running r2017b matlab. i ran into an issue where it shows "error evaluating the post generation command" dynamic allocated array are not supported in dpi-c component. however, from the report, i didn't see any issue related to the code except for this error message. it seems to be related to the building process. it would be very much appreciated if there is a recommended mechanism to debug this issue such as more information and an insight on what might be a potential issue. thank you very much, tsung-chi chang tsung-chi chang,2005:question/1979774 2023-06-07t15:16:56z 2023-06-08t04:34:00z function optimization meeting a condition how can i optimize the i function, i want to find the values of h(j) that minimize i, meetentig the condition h(j 1)>h(j)? ht is a array beiing its size ht(lt,lc) or the same ht(i,j) and it is calculated in another function. the formula of ins is ins=ht(i,j)-h(j). in the problem i want to solve, i have a matrix ht(i,j), which means there is a value ht for each i,j. what i need is the value h(j), which does not depend on i. this value should minimize the differences with all the ht values in "i", and i need to repeat this for each i. therefore, the difference ins is not a single value; there will be as many differences as ht values. my objective is not to make the differences between ht and h equal to 0; rather, i want to find the h that minimizes the maximum value of ins across all "i". for example, if i have a matrix ht with the following rows (7,8) and (5,9), i need to find h(1) such that the maximum value between 7-h(1) and 8-h(1) is minimized, and h(2) such that the maximum value between 5-h(2) and 9-h(2) is minimized, with the additional condition that h(2) > h(1). thanks for the help function [h] = hp(ht, lc, lt) lt = 0:0.5:lt; lc = 0:0.5:lc; ins = cell(length(lt), length(lc)); h= cell(length(lc)); for i = 1:length(lt) for j = 1:length(lc) ins{i,j} = @(h) (ht(i,j) - h); end end h0 = zeros(size(lc)); a = []; b = []; aeq = []; beq = []; lb = []; ub = []; nonlcon = @constraints; h = fmincon(@(h) ins, h0, a, b, aeq, beq, lb, ub, nonlcon); end function [c] = constraints(h) c>0; c = h(2:end) - h(1:end-1); end jon bilbao,2005:question/498568 2019-12-31t21:38:15z 2023-06-08t04:31:03z sysgen license checkout failed. i am working on xilinx system generator. i get an error when run my simulink block- sysgen license checkout failed. xilinxd_license_file = d:\xilinx\2017_xilinx\xilinx.lic;c:/xilinx/vivado/2017.4/data/sysgen/hwcosim_compiler/pp_ethernet lm_license_file = xilinx license search path: c:\users\sandip\appdata\roaming\xilinxlicense;c:\.xilinx;d:\xilinx\2017_xilinx\xilinx.lic;c:\xilinx\vivado\2017.4\data\sysgen\hwcosim_compiler\pp_ethernet;xilinx;c:\xilinx\vivado\2017.4\data\ipcore_licenses i have already go through the xilinix manage license tab and reset the license path...but still got the error..please solve the error sandip paul,2005:question/1979954 2023-06-08t04:19:40z 2023-06-08t04:26:44z error during gan training : render process terminated: null java.lang.nosuchfielderror: ts_process_oom the following error occurred during gan training: error message: render process terminated: null java.lang.nosuchfielderror: ts_process_oom --detailed information-- system: hp z4 workstation, memory: 128gb, ssd: 1tb (50% is available) operating system: windows 10, 64-bit matlab version: r2022b java heap space: 32.697gb execution file: example file from matlab, traingenerativeadversarialnetwork(gan)example i think java heat space is enough because the system memory usage is below 20gb and java heap space setting is over 32gb. please, let me know how to solve this problem. mo,2005:question/1979354 2023-06-06t21:17:52z 2023-06-08t04:25:36z fatal startup error after update 2 of r2023a i tried to do update 2 of r2023a and the update failed. now i can't open matlab. what can i do? i get this error message: fatal startup error dynamic exception type: class cppmicroservices:: sharedlibraryexception std::exception::what: loading c:\program files\matlab\r2023a\bin\win64\matlab_startup_plugins\foundation\pl atform\pf_matlab_impl\libmwpf_matlab_impl.dllfailed with error: the specified procedure could not be found. : state not recoverable: state not recoverable michael lopez,2005:question/1979554 2023-06-07t08:58:04z 2023-06-08t04:24:49z higher rank tensor: how to export and read it as a file? hello, i have a rank-3 tensor, say simply tensor=zeros(da,db,dc); where da, db and dc are the respective dimensions. i like to export it as a file and later on import it again to continue some calculation in another matlab script. how do i do this? as far as i see, dlmwrite, cswwrite and writematrix only work for matrices and give me some error saying "transpose not defined...". many thanks! philipp,2005:question/1976689 2023-06-01t11:33:00z 2023-06-08t04:22:42z issue with calling a for loop before the sim command. when i use a for loop just before calling the sim(model) command to simulate a simulink model, i receive this error: error using error_bucle_rarisimo (line 139) derivative of state '1' in block 'phasorpvesssmmodel/sg/sm/electrical model/synchronous machine continuous model/phi/integrator' at time 0.0083 is not finite. the simulation will be stopped. there may be a singularity in the solution. if not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances) however, if i simulate before calling the for loop, the error does not appear. my initial idea was to include the sim command within the loop to simulate the model for different parameters, but i always encountered this error. initially, i thought it was an issue with the parameters i passed to the model, but now i've noticed that simply calling the for loop doesn't work. i have tried everything, and i'm not sure what could be causing this failure. can anyone help me? thank you very much. emilio valdivielso suárez,2005:question/1807035 2022-09-17t09:17:16z 2023-06-08t04:19:38z correct and incorrect predictors dear community members, i am stuck in a problem. i tried to search for the solution but i could not find. i want to get the input data (predictors) of an incorrect predicted class. how can i do that? i am just able to get the incorrect classes in the confusion chart but i need to find the input data of them. for example lets take this example: load satdata; pt = cvpartition(satclass,'holdout',0.3); predtrain = satdata(training(pt),:); classtrain = satclass(training(pt)); predvalid = satdata(test(pt),:); classvalid = satclass(test(pt)); knnclassifier = fitcknn(predtrain,classtrain,'numneighbors',5); ypred = predict(knnclassifier,predvalid); [c,lbls] = confusionmat(ypred,classvalid); here i can only see the classes in ypred but i cant see the input data (predictors) of those classes. i hope i am clear to my question. saeed magsi,2005:question/1977609 2023-06-03t05:17:35z 2023-06-08t04:13:36z how to extract data from txt file and plot spectogram? hello, i have a large sample of data (100000 samples) in txt file consisting of time and amplitude of the signal. i want to plot spectogram. the code is not at all able to extract the .txt file at all along the path. kindly advice me as how to extract data from txt file when data is very large as it is in my case and hence to plot the spectogram. the code is as below: close all; freq_sam = 100000; % samples in tt1 data period_tt1 = 0.005; % time period freq_tt1 = 1/period_tt1; % frequency data = importdata('d:\data_tokamak\data\obp.txt'); x_data = data(:,1); y_data = data(:,2); disp(x_data); disp(y_data); signal_tt1 = data; fft_tt1 = fft(signal_tt1); % fourier transform fft_tt1 = fftshift(fft_tt1); % performing fft shift f = freq_sam/2*linspace(-1,1,freq_sam); figure; plot(f, fft_tt1); rahul,2005:question/425129 2018-10-20t20:57:11z 2023-06-08t04:13:09z how could find the index (number of row ) that are deleted by "deleteoutliers" i have a table with 9 cells to find the outliers and omit them in each cell, i used the "deleteoutliers" function base on a specific column. but it omits the data just on that specific column, i need to delete all related data to that outliers. how could find the index (number of rows) that are deleted by "delete outliers"? nooshin mahmoodi,2005:question/1979479 2023-06-07t07:16:30z 2023-06-08t03:52:48z processing .mat files via a for loop hi there, i would like to read in these .mat files and process them via a for loop firstly, i need to replace all values above 700 in column 2 (par) with nan secondly, i need to find all missing datetimes from column 1 (datetime) and fill these in (datetime should be running every 5 min), the corresponding value in column 2 can be nan i have attempted to create a for loop and believe that the table needs to be converted into a timetable to be able to use greater than (>)? i am new to for loops, but it would be good to learn how to do all of this processing within the for loop rather than for each separate file. tia sophia,2005:question/1979874 2023-06-07t20:37:58z 2023-06-08t03:51:56z code generation failed due to unexpected object of type 'rootof'. hi everyone, i am trying to run the code below, but matlab keeps throwing this error message at me. does anyone know whats the issue? syms y dy d2y x k=5/8; w=100; q=1; p=1; r=0.06; e=0.5; a=1/3; z=0.15; t=0.9; s1=2; m1=0.5; fstar=4.9259e-16; b=0.9273; t1=(1 (z*fstar)/(r t*p*s1-m1))*(2200^((1-k)*(e/(1-e))))*(((1-a)/w*q*a)^(e/(1-e)))*(e/(1-e))*(1/(p*s1 r (1-b)*fstar-m1))^((1-e*(1-a))/((1-a)*(1-e))); ode = y-((1 (z*fstar)/(r t*p*(dy*x*s1/y)-((dy*x*m1/y) d2y*(x^2)*(s1^2)/(2*y))))*(x^((1-k)*(e/(1-e))))*(((1-a)/w*q*a)^(e/(1-e)))*(e/(1-e))*(1/(r (1-b)*fstar p*(dy*x*s1/y)-((dy*x*m1/y) d2y*(x^2)*(s1^2)/(2*y))))^((1-e*(1-a))/((1-a)*(1-e)))); d2ynum = solve(ode==0,d2y); d2ynum = d2ynum(3); f = matlabfunction(d2ynum,"vars",{x, [y dy]}); delaram,2005:question/492375 2019-11-21t13:44:46z 2023-06-08t03:46:53z 'character vector is not terminated properly' when i am trying to open a .fis file in matlab i am trying to open my mandami fis which i have saved, and when i try to import it to the fuzzy logic designer i get an error sayinf that the 'character vector is not terminated properly' does anyone know a solution to this? ahmed omar,2005:question/1978609 2023-06-05t14:34:27z 2023-06-08t03:37:30z eigen value of stochastic matrix i wan to find eigen values and eigen vector of a stochastic matrix using newton raphson method. % define the dimensions and variables n = 3; % size of vectors and matrices m = 2; % number of matrices p = 4; % number of eigenvalues and tensors maxiterations = 100; % maximum number of iterations tolerance = 1e-6; % tolerance for convergence % initialize variables u = ones(n*p, 1); % initial guess for u, each column represents u1, u2, ..., up lambda = ones(p, 1); % initial guess for lambda, each element represents lambda1, lambda2, ..., lambdap % define the matrices and tensors c0 = eye(p); % example: identity matrix a0 = magic(n); % example: identity matrix c = rand(p, p, m); % example: random p x p x m tensor a = rand(n, n, m); % example: random n x n x m tensor e = rand(p, p, p); % example: random p x p x p tensor ca=0; for i=1:m ca= ca kron(c(:,:,i),a(:,:,i)); end % perform newton-raphson iteration for iter = 1:maxiterations % compute the left-hand side of the equation lhs = (kron(c0 , a0) ca) * u; % compute the right-hand side of the equation lame=0; for p = 1:p lame = lame kron(lambda(p) * e(:, :, p),eye(n)) ; end rhs=lame*u % compute the residual and check for convergence residual_1 = lhs - rhs; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % initialize the variables i=eye(n,n); ca1=zeros(p,1); for i=1:p ca1(i)= u'*kron(e(:,:,i),i)*u; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% residual_2=ca1; % compute the residual and check for convergence residual = [residual_1;residual_2]; if norm(residual(:)) < tolerance disp('converged!'); break; end jacobian = jac_1(a,lambda , u, n,m,p); % update u and lambda using the newton-raphson method delta = jacobian \ residual(:); u = u - delta(1:n*p); lambda = lambda - delta(n*p 1:end); % display the current iteration and residual disp(['iteration: ' num2str(iter) ', residual: ' num2str(norm(residual(:)))]); end uf=reshape(u,n,[]) lambdaf=lambda but the answer i am getting is lambdaf = 1.0e 58 * 2.7709 -1.9052 0.3483 -0.3253. it would be very helpful if someone help me improve this code rakesh kumar,2005:question/1979684 2023-06-07t13:40:23z 2023-06-08t03:24:54z find distance of two points inside a matrix hello everyone! so i have a meshgrid of longitudes and latitudes and an other matrix that gives me the depths corresponding to the same indexes.i want to choose an x1,y1 value and an x2,y2 value and interpolate all the depths in between those to coordinates?how can i do this? lena kappa,2005:question/1979949 2023-06-08t03:13:11z 2023-06-08t03:13:11z how can i interface my texas instrument dsp with available can communication through simulink hello all, i have a tif28379d board that is operating an motor drive. there is can interface in the motordrive. is it possible to control the can or establish link through simulink with can and dsp at the same time? the can communication supports national instrument driver. thanks for the help. ashik ashik amin,2005:question/1571813 2021-10-26t08:06:52z 2023-06-08t02:59:39z custom class properties and method attributes is there a way to add custom property or method attributes to handle classes? it is done by several classes or toolboxes, e.g. the unit testing framework allows to add tags to the methods: tag unit tests - matlab & simulink ( classdef exampletagtest < matlab.unittest.testcase methods (test) function testa (testcase) % test code end end methods (test, testtags = {'unit'}) function testb (testcase) % test code end function testc (testcase) % test code end end i'm talking about the attributes "test" and "testtags". my application would greatly benetfit from a finer granular control of properties for a dto (data transfer object) class. i want to use argument validation but add additional options like overridable properties and don't want to use inputparser anymore :) thanks! jan kappen,2005:question/1645380 2022-02-08t09:34:56z 2023-06-08t02:56:39z java.lang.illegalargumentexception: ntfs ads separator (':') in file name is forbidden when i perform coder with single precision conversion using fixed point designer, during mex building, following errors happn.but when i perform coder without precision conversion, no error happens. how can i fix this problem? exception in thread "awt-eventqueue-0": java.lang.illegalargumentexception: ntfs ads separator (':') in file name is forbidden. at at at com.mathworks.toolbox.coder.nide.editor.coderfilebackingstore.( at com.mathworks.toolbox.coder.nide.editor.coderfilebackingstore.( at com.mathworks.toolbox.coder.nide.nideartifactset.addsourceartifact( at com.mathworks.toolbox.coder.nide.impl.codernidefacade.updateartifactset( at com.mathworks.toolbox.coder.nide.impl.codernidefacade.initfilestomodel( at com.mathworks.toolbox.coder.nide.impl.codernidefacade.access$800( at com.mathworks.toolbox.coder.nide.impl.codernidefacade$4.propertychange( at at java.beans.propertychangesupport.firepropertychange( at java.beans.propertychangesupport.firepropertychange( at com.mathworks.toolbox.coder.nide.impl.codernideappmodel.fireinputfileschanged( at com.mathworks.toolbox.coder.nide.impl.codernideappmodel.setinputfiles( at$normalmexbuilder$1.handlefiles( at$handler$ at com.mathworks.mwswing.mjutilities.runoneventdispatchthread( at$handler.buildfinished( at$1$ at java.awt.event.invocationevent.dispatch( at java.awt.eventqueue.dispatcheventimpl( at java.awt.eventqueue.access$500( at java.awt.eventqueue$ at java.awt.eventqueue$ at method) at$javasecurityaccessimpl.dointersectionprivilege( at java.awt.eventqueue.dispatchevent( at java.awt.eventdispatchthread.pumponeeventforfilters( at java.awt.eventdispatchthread.pumpeventsforfilter( at java.awt.eventdispatchthread.pumpeventsforhierarchy( at java.awt.eventdispatchthread.pumpevents( at java.awt.eventdispatchthread.pumpevents( at adelie penguin,2005:question/1976614 2023-06-01t08:37:55z 2023-06-08t02:45:20z how can i add a listener to an axe to check everytime the amount of curves is changed. event childadded works, but event childremoved seem to not work. hi all, i'm creating an app where an user get to load a picture of a graph (like from a scientific text book) and run a script so that he can obtain the data on the picture, i.e. adding a grid and the value of the grid, a value in pixel within the picture transform into a value within the axes of the graph. the user can then "select the position of the curve of interest" in the picture (using ginput) and the program transfer the line thus created into a line with the values as in the picture. (hope i'm being clear). as an example: you have a picture of a graph showing the evolution of the population of deer in a forest over time. this picture when loaded into matlab would be referenced by a number of pixels. but on those pixels, the user can see that the x-axis is in unit months and the y-axis in thousand of deer. building a grid at each value of both axis, it is then possible, for example, to put an equivalence between pixel (340, 240) and the value (may 2022/15'500) and the pixel (350,210) to the value (june 2022/12500) (hypothetical value..there has not been a massive death of deer in the forest within may :)) i have all the functions i need to make this app works but i wanted to build it "stupid proof" such that an user cannot mess up the app. one aspect i wanted to ensure was that any deletion of a curve would be traced through all the functions. so that i don't get a mistmatch between the amount of curves seen in the plot in "pixel value", and the amount of data registered in "time/deer" value. i wanted then to add a listener to the "children" of the axes so that whenever the amount of children change, the change can be capture by the other functions as well. however, the property children of axes is not setobservable. so i cannot put a listener on this. by browsing internet, i found out that there are "hidden" events in the class m = ?; e = m.eventlist; among this list, there are two events called "childadded" and "childremoved". i do manage to make a listener to the "childadded" event, but it seems that the "childremoved" does not work, making my "stupid proof" not usable as the user would still be capable of deleting curves without the code knowing about it. do you have any idea as to how i could solve this lack of "observability" of events linked with deletion of lines in a axes? bastien haemmerli,2005:question/1975644 2023-05-30t13:00:03z 2023-06-08t02:42:00z question regarding plotting a map consisting of different layers hello, using matlab mapping toolbox, i want to plot a map (baltic sea region, to be specific) which has three different layers in shapefile format, i.e. coastline, bathymetry, and land. however it doesn't work so far. here is the code: % load shapefile data balticsea.coast = shaperead('ne_10m_coastline.shp'); = shaperead('ne_10m_land.shp'); balticsea.bathym = shaperead('ne_10m_bathymetry.shp') % create a figure figure mapshow(balticsea.coast) mapshow( mapshow(balticsea.bathym) is there any ways to solve this? thank you. dipto,2005:question/1979924 2023-06-08t00:43:50z 2023-06-08t02:33:27z updating tiledlayout in a loop - "invalid or deleted object" hello, i am trying to write a program that creates a gif of a 3d trajectory (t, x, y, z coordinate data in file xxxy.mat) from 4 different perspectives. however, i keep getting the classic "invalid or deleted object" error when i first try to alter the tile axes in the plotting loop. the code is pasted below and any help is appreciated. clear;clc; load('xxxy.mat') %% % create file name variable filename = 'animation_spiral_3pov.gif'; % setting up the plot l = tiledlayout(2,2); title(l,sprintf('trajectory\ntime: %0.2f sec', t(1)),... 'interpreter','latex'); %% % plotting the first iterations nexttile(1) p1 = plot(-xx(1),-xy(1),'b'); m1 = scatter(-xx(1),-xy(1),'filled','b'); grid on % adding grid lines axis equal % equal axis aspect ratio xlim([-5 5]) ylim([-5 5]) hold on title('top view', 'interpreter', 'latex') nexttile(2) p2 = plot(-xy(1),xz(1),'b'); m2 = scatter(-xy(1),xz(1),'filled','b'); grid on % adding grid lines axis equal % equal axis aspect ratio xlim([-5 5]) ylim([-5 5]) hold on title('side view', 'interpreter', 'latex') nexttile(3) p3 = plot(-xx(1),xz(1),'b'); m3 = scatter(-xx(1),xz(1),'filled','b'); grid on % adding grid lines axis equal % equal axis aspect ratio xlim([-5 5]) ylim([-5 5]) hold on title('front view', 'interpreter', 'latex') nexttile(4) p = plot3(xx(1),xy(1),xz(1),'b'); m = scatter3(xx(1),xy(1),xz(1),'filled','b'); grid on % adding grid lines axis equal % equal axis aspect ratio xlim([-5 5]) ylim([-5 5]) zlim([-5 5]) view(-170,15); % setting viewing angle hold on title('3d view', 'interpreter', 'latex') %% % iterating through the length of the time array for k = 1:200:length(t) % updating the line (p) and scatter points (m) nexttile(l,1) p1.xdata = -xx(1:k); p1.ydata = -xy(1:k); m1.xdata = -xx(k); m1.ydata = -xy(k); nexttile(l,2) p2.xdata = -xy(1:k); p2.ydata = xz(1:k); m2.xdata = -xy(k); m2.ydata = xz(k); nexttile(l,3) p3.xdata = -xx(1:k); p3.ydata = xz(1:k); m3.xdata = -xx(k); m3.ydata = xz(k); nexttile(l,4) p.xdata = xx(1:k); p.ydata = xy(1:k); p.zdata = xz(1:k); m.xdata = xx(k); m.ydata = xy(k); m.zdata = xz(k); % updating the title title(l,sprintf('trajectory\ntime: %0.2f sec', t(k)),... 'interpreter','latex'); % delay pause(0.1) % saving the figure frame = getframe(gcf); im = frame2im(frame); [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256); if k == 1 imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif', 'loopcount',inf,... 'delaytime',0.1); else imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','writemode','append',... 'delaytime',0.1); end end ian heyman,2005:question/1979939 2023-06-08t02:32:23z 2023-06-08t02:32:23z visadev autoly continously send '*idn?'. get thousands of lines of the return of '*idn?' i have a optical spetrum whose name is ando aq6317. after use ni gpib-usb-hs connect it with my windows server, with matlab 2021b and a package of i"nstrument control toolbox support package for national instruments visa and icp interfaces 21.2.1". i use the v = visadev('gpib0::1::0::instr') can successfully coonect. but the problem is, the device will repeatedly send the instrument info string. with thousands of lines, times. the content is the same as the querying output of "*idn?". and i can see the v.numbytesavailable exponentially surge. within the time i did nothing. i use read(v,v.numbytesavailable,"char") to watch and everything is the querying output of '*idn?' so i really doubt that the visadev has a bug of autoly continously send '*idn?'. other instruments like keysight awg 8194 i tried, tek osc or awg will not occur this problem. how to do??? although i found use old method g1=gpib('ni',0, 1); can avoid the bug. but i do not wanna write two type of visa codes. for my previous codes are all based on visadev!!!!!!!!!!!! long,2005:question/1979934 2023-06-08t02:17:47z 2023-06-08t02:17:47z is it possible to make windows desktop pc to a master host for ethercat network? i want to control 3 actuators (orientalmotor) using an orientalmotor multi-axis driver that works with ethercat, and i'm trying to make a hils approach using simulink. for this case, i was thinking on using a speedgoat device as slave. my question lies in how can i make my desktop pc into a master device that runs with ethercat network in order to control these actuators? giancarlo guerra padilla,2005:question/1979399 2023-06-07t00:49:26z 2023-06-08t02:15:32z how can i get datacursor information from scatter plot using a callback function in app designer hello, in app designer, i'm trying to implement a functionality where i would click on a data point in a scatter plot and that would trigger the generation of a new plot related specifically to that selected point. currently i was able to turn the datacrusor mode on and select different data points by clicking on the plot. what i'm trying to achieve now is that when i click on a point i can obtain the information of which point has beeen selected through the data crusor then generate a new figure. i have tried to implement a buttondown call back funtion but i wasnt able to get anywhere with that. can anyone please assist me with that? thank you, ahmed, ahmed,2005:question/1978344 2023-06-05t08:33:07z 2023-06-08t02:10:29z how can i find the elapsed time between two images from video file with matlab. how can i find the elapsed time between two images from video file with matlab. i drop a drop of water on a surface. i want to find the water absorption time of the surface from the video i recorded with matlab. can you help me? i don't know much about matlab. bykado,2005:question/1979519 2023-06-07t00:00:00z 2023-06-08t02:09:18z how to generate code with pointcloud select in matlab coder though i read the following manual of 'select', it just mentioned "the input argument outputsize must be compile-time constant." under the code generation. i would like to know how to apply the input argument outputsize to be in compile-time constant in order to generate code. mathworks support team,2005:question/368689 2017-11-22t20:55:55z 2023-06-08t01:20:40z how to define a custom equation in fitlm function for linear regression? i'd like to define a custom equation for linear regression. for example y = a*log(x1) b*x2^2 c*x3 k. this is a linear regression problem - but how to do this within fitlm function? thanks, shriram spirit,2005:question/1978564 2023-06-05t13:46:29z 2023-06-08t01:05:37z multioutput regression models in matlab i am working on a project where i need to predict multiple response variables for a given data set likely using random forests or boositng. are there any functions i could use that might provide what i am looking for. basically, what i mean is: data = (2-d matrix of regressors) regression model = regression_function(data,response variables) alejandro plata,2005:question/1979904 2023-06-07t22:18:04z 2023-06-08t00:58:43z i'm getting weird units while double-integrating accelerometer data to extract displacement i'm currently working on a research project, where we are trying to measure how much test subjects move their head while looking at pictures under different conditions. we are using an accelerometer attached to their head on a hat, and the head movements are meant to be very slight (only moving about an inch side-to-side). we recorded a few test trials just to see what the data looks like, and this is the script i wrote to get average displacement out of it: clc, clearvars hat_on_table = readtable('hat_on_table.csv'); looking_at_screen = readtable('looking_at_screen.csv'); talking = readtable('talking.csv'); walking = readtable('walking.csv'); avg_displacements = {func(hat_on_table), func(looking_at_screen),func(talking), func(walking)} column_names = {'hat_on_table', 'looking_at_screen', 'talking', 'walking'}; data_table = cell2table(avg_displacements, 'variablenames', column_names, 'rownames', {'average displacement (m)'}); function avg_displacement = func(curr) time = curr.('epoc_ms_'); time = time - time(1); % convert from ms to s time = time / 1000; acc_x = curr.('x_axis_g_'); acc_y = curr.('y_axis_g_'); acc_z = curr.('z_axis_g_'); % convert from gs to m/s^2 acc_x = acc_x*9.80665; acc_y = acc_y*9.80665; acc_z = acc_z*9.80665; % find displacement for each axis % normalize the data acc_x = acc_x - mean(acc_x); time_and_acc_x = table(time, acc_x, 'variablenames', {'time (s)', 'x-axis acceleration m/s^2'}); % integrate first for velocity (m/s), then again for displacement (m) velocity_x = cumtrapz(time_and_acc_x.("time (s)"), time_and_acc_x.('x-axis acceleration m/s^2')); displacement_x = cumtrapz(time_and_acc_x.("time (s)"), velocity_x); % normalize the data acc_y = acc_y - mean(acc_y); time_and_acc_y = table(time, acc_y, 'variablenames', {'time (s)', 'y-axis acceleration m/s^2'}) % integrate first for velocity (m/s), then again for displacement (m) velocity_y = cumtrapz(time_and_acc_y.("time (s)"),time_and_acc_y.('y-axis acceleration m/s^2')); displacement_y = cumtrapz(time_and_acc_y.("time (s)"), velocity_y); % normalize the data acc_z = acc_z - mean(acc_z); time_and_acc_z = table(time, acc_z, 'variablenames', {'time (s)', 'z-axis acceleration m/s^2'}); % integrate first for velocity (m/s), then again for displacement (m) velocity_z = cumtrapz(time_and_acc_z.("time (s)"), time_and_acc_z.('z-axis acceleration m/s^2')); displacement_z = cumtrapz(time_and_acc_z.("time (s)"), velocity_z); % combine the three axes into one displacement value total_displacements = sqrt((displacement_x.^2) (displacement_y.^2) (displacement_z.^2)); avg_displacement = mean(total_displacements) end the issue is that the numbers which we get for average displacements do not make sense for the conditions under which we recorded. just leaving the hat completely still on the table translated to an average displacement of 3.9m, and looking at a laptop screen resulted in an average displacement of 87.7m. are the units wrong? or have i messed up somewhere while integrating/combining the data? does it need to be filtered first? (due to the small nature in the desired behavior, i thought filtering could lose the meaningful differences). any direction would be much appreciated! nathaniel,2005:question/1977014 2023-06-01t19:40:24z 2023-06-08t00:51:59z how to make a surface in polar coordinates using polar3d? hello! i have an integral for a function which i plot in polar coordinates at a fixed polar angle theta (th). how to write a 3d plot for r in polar coordinates (angles a and th changes)? i made it using pol2cart, but this is not the best way to present the result. if somebody can help me to plot using polar3d or something like this, it would be great. thank you. clear all s = 3; n = 1; r = 1; t = 0.1; th = 0:10:360; % angle theta a = 0:1:360; % angle alpha b = sqrt(2*n*t); l = sqrt((4*t r^2)/3); fun = @(k,u,c,a) ((k.^2).*exp(-1.5*k.^2)).*((u.^2).*(1-u.^2).*exp(-(b.*u).^2).*(cos(s.*k.*u.*cos(a)/l))).*(((cos(c)).^2).*(cos(k.*sqrt(1-u.^2).*(s.*sin(a).*cos(th).*cos(c) s.*sin(a).*sin(th).*sin(c))/(l)))); f3 = arrayfun(@(a)integral3(@(k,u,c)fun(k,u,c,a),0,inf,-1,1,0,2*pi),a); b = ((6*sqrt(6)*(b^3))/(erf(b)*(pi^2)))*(1-(3/(2*b^2))*(1-((2*b*exp(-b^2))/(erf(b)*sqrt(pi)))))^(-1); r = b*f3; figure(3) polar(a,r); this is how it look in cartesian coordinates (theta in radians), but it should look much better in polar3d. hexe,2005:question/1979859 2023-06-07t19:38:09z 2023-06-08t00:17:23z constrain the csapi fitting to positive values i have a vector x of size 25 x 1 and a vector y of size 25 x 1. i subject them to spline fitting function (as below) and i get a function whose values go in the negative range. i know apriori that the values should be positive. is there any method to constrain the fitting according to this using csapi? cs = csapi(x,y); % vectors of size 25 x 1 figure(11) fnplt(cs,2); hold on plot(x,y,'o') hold off xlabel('pixel values from the intensity patch') ylabel('pixel values from the ir patch') areeba fatima,2005:question/1979914 2023-06-07t23:57:06z 2023-06-07t23:57:06z matlab coder returning non specific issue description during check for runtime issues step hello, for use in a student project, i am attempting to convert an audio-based transmitter/receiver function from matlab to c/cpp. i went through the process of correcting various issues, brought up by the matlab coder tool. however, the latest issue brought up by the "check for run-time issues" step does not mention any line / sub-function in the code. instead, it simply states: " insufficient number of outputs from right hand side of equal sign to satisfy assignment. use help codegen for more information on using this command. insufficient number of outputs from right hand side of equal sign to satisfy assignment." i do not know where in the code this issue is located, and given the project size, i would prefer not to start looking with no clear leads. the function i am trying to convert is running correctly, and no issues are found before the runtime issues check (input types, %#codegen, etc.). any help in accessing a more detailed error message / pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. thanks (: jonathan jonathan elgavi,2005:question/1979369 2023-06-06t23:02:57z 2023-06-07t23:56:27z unable to locate and load .mat file after compiled into standalone file in app designer hello community and team, i am new to app design and recently created an app using app designer. my app includes two additional files. the first one is a .mat file that contains a simfun (with no parallel turned on) and a dosetable. the second file is a class used to solve my equation. the app runs flawlessly in the app designer ui, but when i compile it into a standalone app, it always gets stuck at the simulation part. it seems that the compiled app cannot find and load the .mat file. i have done some research on the isdeployed function, but none of the solutions i found could solve my problem and how could i locate the .mat file if i don’t know the path of the file in the app? interestingly, when i compiled the app on my macbook pro 15-inch 2016, it didn't work properly. however, when i used my friend's mac mini 2021 m1, the compiled app worked without any issues. both computers have matlab 2023a installed. i have been frustrated as i couldn't solve this problem for a few days. could anyone provide me with some suggestions or advice regarding this situation? thank you very much. jesse jesse chao,2005:question/1957029 2023-05-03t04:50:47z 2023-06-07t23:41:59z symbolic equation system - hi! can someone please tell me why this algortim is not working? i know resultant values for xa and t are 0.2 and 657 but i want it to work. i have to mention that ec2 value type is symfalse, i think the code not working has to do with that but i don't know how to solve it. cpa=14.5; cpr=12.4; cps=7.2; dhr=5665; r=1.987; h=-90820/r; t=31.6; syms xa t ec1=0==cpa*(25-672) dhr*xa/4 xa*cpr*(t-25)/4 3*xa*cps*(t-25)/2 (1-xa)*cpa*(t-25); ec2=t*1.052*10^19==int(1./exp(h./t)./(1-xa),xa,0,xa); vpasolve(ec1,ec2,xa) marco antonio pérez castillo,2005:question/1979909 2023-06-07t23:29:08z 2023-06-07t23:31:42z how do i add a unique id to the the graph in can explorer in the vehicle network toolbox? hello! i pulled some can data into vehicle network toolbox/can explorer and was hoping to be able to visualize it using the graph. i found a video on how to add a signal to the graph but it involved having a dbc file (and i didn't see an example document/format of how i would create said dbc file). is there a way to add a signal to the graph any other way? i tried going through the menus and couldn't find a way to do it and dragging/dropping, and right clicking don't seem to get me anywhere either. any info on how i can take a signal and add it to a graph would be greatly appreciated. if there's not an easy way to do so (that might be a feature request at that point), is there an example dbc format or can i see an example if i wanted to add, say, signals with ids for 0x18d, 0x224, and 0x27a (i have a bunch i want to add but once i see an example, i can put one together myself)? thanks! jeremy,2005:question/1979689 2023-06-07t13:41:49z 2023-06-07t23:19:56z formulating a part of a given circle i want to create bumps in matlab by providing only two inputs (h=61, l=293.69) as shown in the picture. however, for this i need to formulate the parts that appear in the picture (blue and orange). i know these parts are formulatable because they are all actually part of a circle. but i don't know which circle to associate these blue and orange parts with and how to connect h and l. any thoughts? thanks. raj,2005:question/1979379 2023-06-06t23:35:23z 2023-06-07t22:43:11z remove falsely detected foreground (image segmentation) hi, i am working on moving object detection in video compressed domain. i have extracted compressed domain features from vvc reference software to create an image(frame). however, the extracted image falsely detects some part of the background as foreground. for example, in a paragliding video, due to the movement of the camera the slightly changing background(trees) is also beaing detected as foreground. i want to eliminate that part and just have the segmentated image of the person in the parachute. as shown in 0001.png. the orginal image, extracted image, binary image, morphologically closed image are as follows: i used yanqi liu's code from: as part of the process. it seems to be the right way to go since it gets rid of the unwanted trees but for some reason the paragliding person is not fully detected. i tried to change the value for the length in strel in imopen from 9 to 10, 12, 16, etc. but it gives me an error bw = imopen(bw, strel('line', 9, 90)); error using ~= matrix dimensions must agree. error in imseg_y (line 61) bw(l~=ind) = 0; i even tried to change the value for bw = bwareaopen(bw, 100); i changed it 500, 250, etc. i get the same error as above, no matter what value i choose. can anyone please help correctly detect the foreground while removing the falsely detected foreground? looking forward to everyone's suggestions! :) p.s. i have attached my code for reference. yousra ashfaq,2005:question/1979894 2023-06-07t21:51:14z 2023-06-07t22:31:16z setting up graphic user interface as i have never set up a gui interface i am trying to find out how to do all the call backs correctly. i have included the program i wrote in script editor and the gui code program and a screen shot of the design of the gui. my question is can the radio buttons be used with the code i wrote in editor with all the different loops that i have and if so how do i do that code? if the radio buttons can not work that way is there a better choice? %program in editor clear clc f=input('gasoline or diesel: ','s'); c=input('number of engine cylinders '); t=input('trailer being towed yes or no: ','s'); tw=input('trailer weight '); m=input('trip length in miles '); c=input('cost of fuel per gallon '); switch f case 'gasoline' if c==4 bmpg=24; switch t case 'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.2); elseif tw>2000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case 'no' mpg=24; end elseif c==6 bmpg=18; switch t case 'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.1); elseif tw>2000 && tw<=4000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.2); elseif tw>4000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case 'no' mpg=18; end elseif c==8 bmpg=12; switch t case'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.05); elseif tw>2000 && tw<=4000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.1); elseif tw>4000 && tw<=6000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.2); elseif tw>6000 && tw<=8000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.4); elseif tw>8000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case'no' mpg=12; end end case 'diesel' if c==4 bmpg=26; switch t case'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.05); elseif tw>2000 && tw<=4000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.1); elseif tw>4000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case 'no' mpg=26; end elseif c==6 bmpg=22; switch t case'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.025); elseif tw>2000 && tw<=4000 mpg=bmpg-(mbpg*0.5); elseif tw>4000 && tw<=6000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.1); elseif tw>6000 && tw<=8000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.2); elseif tw>8000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case'no' mpg=22; end elseif c==8 bmpg=18; switch t case'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.0125); elseif tw>2000 && tw<=4000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.05); elseif tw>4000 && tw<=6000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.2); elseif tw>6000 && tw<=8000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.4); elseif tw>8000 && tw<10000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.6); elseif tw>10000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case'no' mpg=18; end end end fprintf('miles per gallon') disp(mpg) g=(m/mpg);%%how many gallons used fprintf('how many gallons of fuel used') disp(g) cf=g*c;%%cost to fuel up fprintf('cost to fuel up') disp(cf) cm=(g/m)*c;%%cost per mile fprintf('cost per mile') disp(cm) x=cf:1:cm; y=bmpg:1:mpg; %gui program classdef jonpagelsprojectgui < matlab.apps.appbase % properties that correspond to app components properties (access = public) uifigure matlab.ui.figure gridlayout matlab.ui.container.gridlayout leftpanel matlab.ui.container.panel editfield matlab.ui.control.numericeditfield numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup matlab.ui.container.buttongroup button_8 matlab.ui.control.radiobutton button_6 matlab.ui.control.radiobutton button_4 matlab.ui.control.radiobutton trailertowedbuttongroup matlab.ui.container.buttongroup nobutton matlab.ui.control.radiobutton yesbutton matlab.ui.control.radiobutton fueltypebuttongroup matlab.ui.container.buttongroup dieselbutton matlab.ui.control.radiobutton gasolinebutton matlab.ui.control.radiobutton tripinmileseditfield matlab.ui.control.numericeditfield tripinmileseditfieldlabel matlab.ui.control.label trailerweighteditfield matlab.ui.control.numericeditfield trailerweighteditfieldlabel matlab.ui.control.label costpergallonslider matlab.ui.control.slider costpergallonsliderlabel matlab.ui.control.label centerpanel matlab.ui.container.panel plotbutton matlab.ui.control.button calculatebutton matlab.ui.control.button rightpanel matlab.ui.container.panel costmileeditfield matlab.ui.control.numericeditfield costmileeditfieldlabel matlab.ui.control.label costtofuelupeditfield matlab.ui.control.numericeditfield costtofuelupeditfieldlabel matlab.ui.control.label gallonsofusedfueleditfield matlab.ui.control.numericeditfield gallonsofusedfueleditfieldlabel matlab.ui.control.label milesgalloneditfield matlab.ui.control.numericeditfield milesgalloneditfieldlabel matlab.ui.control.label uiaxes matlab.ui.control.uiaxes end % properties that correspond to apps with auto-reflow properties (access = private) onepanelwidth = 576; twopanelwidth = 768; end % callbacks that handle component events methods (access = private) % value changed function: costpergallonslider function costpergallonslidervaluechanged(app, event) c = app.costpergallonslider.value; app.editfield.value=c; end % selection changed function: fueltypebuttongroup function fueltypebuttongroupselectionchanged(app, event) f=app.fueltypebuttongroup.selectedobject; switch f case app.gasolinebutton case app.dieselbutton end end % selection changed function: numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup function numberofenginecylindersbuttongroupselectionchanged(app, event) c = app.numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup.selectedobject; switch c case app.button_4 case app.button_6 case app.button_8 end end % value changed function: trailerweighteditfield function trailerweighteditfieldvaluechanged(app, event) tw = app.trailerweighteditfield.value; end % value changed function: tripinmileseditfield function tripinmileseditfieldvaluechanged(app, event) m = app.tripinmileseditfield.value; end % button pushed function: calculatebutton function calculatebuttonpushed(app, event) m = app.tripinmileseditfield.value; tw = app.trailerweighteditfield.value; f=app.fueltypebuttongroup.selectedobject; t = app.trailertowedbuttongroup.selectedobject; switch f case 'gasoline' case c==4 bmpg=24; switch t case 'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.2); elseif tw>2000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case 'no' mpg=24; end case c==6 bmpg=18; switch t case 'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.1); elseif tw>2000 && tw<=4000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.2); elseif tw>4000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case 'no' mpg=18; end case c==8 bmpg=12; switch t case'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.05); elseif tw>2000 && tw<=4000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.1); elseif tw>4000 && tw<=6000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.2); elseif tw>6000 && tw<=8000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.4); elseif tw>8000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case'no' mpg=12; end end case 'diesel' case c==4 bmpg=26; switch t case'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.05); elseif tw>2000 && tw<=4000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.1); elseif tw>4000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case 'no' mpg=26; end case c==6 bmpg=22; switch t case'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.025); elseif tw>2000 && tw<=4000 mpg=bmpg-(mbpg*0.5); elseif tw>4000 && tw<=6000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.1); elseif tw>6000 && tw<=8000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.2); elseif tw>8000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case'no' mpg=22; end case c==8 bmpg=18; switch t case'yes' if tw<=2000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.0125); elseif tw>2000 && tw<=4000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.05); elseif tw>4000 && tw<=6000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.2); elseif tw>6000 && tw<=8000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.4); elseif tw>8000 && tw<10000 mpg=bmpg-(bmpg*0.6); elseif tw>10000 fprintf('exceedes truck weight limit '); end case'no' mpg=18; end end end app.milesgalloneditfield.value=mpg; app.gallonsofusedfueleditfield.value=g; app.costmileeditfield.value=cm; app.costtofuelupeditfield.value=cf; end % selection changed function: trailertowedbuttongroup function trailertowedbuttongroupselectionchanged(app, event) t = app.trailertowedbuttongroup.selectedobject; switch t case app.yesbutton case app.nobutton end end % value changed function: milesgalloneditfield function milesgalloneditfieldvaluechanged(app, event) app.milesgalloneditfield.value=mpg; end % value changed function: gallonsofusedfueleditfield function gallonsofusedfueleditfieldvaluechanged(app, event) app.gallonsofusedfueleditfield.value=g; end % value changed function: costtofuelupeditfield function costtofuelupeditfieldvaluechanged(app, event) app.costtofuelupeditfield.value=cf; end % value changed function: costmileeditfield function costmileeditfieldvaluechanged(app, event) app.costmileeditfield.value=cm; end % changes arrangement of the app based on uifigure width function updateapplayout(app, event) currentfigurewidth = app.uifigure.position(3); if(currentfigurewidth <= app.onepanelwidth) % change to a 3x1 grid app.gridlayout.rowheight = {517, 517, 517}; app.gridlayout.columnwidth = {'1x'}; app.centerpanel.layout.row = 1; app.centerpanel.layout.column = 1; app.leftpanel.layout.row = 2; app.leftpanel.layout.column = 1; app.rightpanel.layout.row = 3; app.rightpanel.layout.column = 1; elseif (currentfigurewidth > app.onepanelwidth && currentfigurewidth <= app.twopanelwidth) % change to a 2x2 grid app.gridlayout.rowheight = {517, 517}; app.gridlayout.columnwidth = {'1x', '1x'}; app.centerpanel.layout.row = 1; app.centerpanel.layout.column = [1,2]; app.leftpanel.layout.row = 2; app.leftpanel.layout.column = 1; app.rightpanel.layout.row = 2; app.rightpanel.layout.column = 2; else % change to a 1x3 grid app.gridlayout.rowheight = {'1x'}; app.gridlayout.columnwidth = {475, '1x', 378}; app.leftpanel.layout.row = 1; app.leftpanel.layout.column = 1; app.centerpanel.layout.row = 1; app.centerpanel.layout.column = 2; app.rightpanel.layout.row = 1; app.rightpanel.layout.column = 3; end end end % component initialization methods (access = private) % create uifigure and components function createcomponents(app) % create uifigure and hide until all components are created app.uifigure = uifigure('visible', 'off'); app.uifigure.autoresizechildren = 'off'; app.uifigure.position = [100 100 970 517]; = 'matlab app'; app.uifigure.sizechangedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @updateapplayout, true); % create gridlayout app.gridlayout = uigridlayout(app.uifigure); app.gridlayout.columnwidth = {475, '1x', 378}; app.gridlayout.rowheight = {'1x'}; app.gridlayout.columnspacing = 0; app.gridlayout.rowspacing = 0; app.gridlayout.padding = [0 0 0 0]; app.gridlayout.scrollable = 'on'; % create leftpanel app.leftpanel = uipanel(app.gridlayout); app.leftpanel.foregroundcolor = [1 0 0]; app.leftpanel.backgroundcolor = [0.8 0.8 0.8]; app.leftpanel.layout.row = 1; app.leftpanel.layout.column = 1; % create costpergallonsliderlabel app.costpergallonsliderlabel = uilabel(app.leftpanel); app.costpergallonsliderlabel.horizontalalignment = 'right'; app.costpergallonsliderlabel.fontcolor = [1 0.4118 0.1608]; app.costpergallonsliderlabel.position = [5 39 83 22]; app.costpergallonsliderlabel.text = 'cost per gallon'; % create costpergallonslider app.costpergallonslider = uislider(app.leftpanel); app.costpergallonslider.limits = [2 7.5]; app.costpergallonslider.majorticks = [2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5]; app.costpergallonslider.valuechangedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @costpergallonslidervaluechanged, true); app.costpergallonslider.fontcolor = [1 0.4118 0.1608]; app.costpergallonslider.position = [109 48 352 3]; app.costpergallonslider.value = 2; % create trailerweighteditfieldlabel app.trailerweighteditfieldlabel = uilabel(app.leftpanel); app.trailerweighteditfieldlabel.horizontalalignment = 'right'; app.trailerweighteditfieldlabel.fontcolor = [0.6353 0.0784 0.1843]; app.trailerweighteditfieldlabel.position = [5 176 79 22]; app.trailerweighteditfieldlabel.text = 'trailer weight'; % create trailerweighteditfield app.trailerweighteditfield = uieditfield(app.leftpanel, 'numeric'); app.trailerweighteditfield.limits = [0 12000]; app.trailerweighteditfield.valuedisplayformat = '%.0f'; app.trailerweighteditfield.valuechangedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @trailerweighteditfieldvaluechanged, true); app.trailerweighteditfield.fontcolor = [0.6353 0.0784 0.1843]; app.trailerweighteditfield.position = [99 176 100 22]; % create tripinmileseditfieldlabel app.tripinmileseditfieldlabel = uilabel(app.leftpanel); app.tripinmileseditfieldlabel.horizontalalignment = 'right'; app.tripinmileseditfieldlabel.fontcolor = [0 0.4471 0.7412]; app.tripinmileseditfieldlabel.position = [268 176 69 22]; app.tripinmileseditfieldlabel.text = 'trip in miles'; % create tripinmileseditfield app.tripinmileseditfield = uieditfield(app.leftpanel, 'numeric'); app.tripinmileseditfield.valuechangedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @tripinmileseditfieldvaluechanged, true); app.tripinmileseditfield.fontcolor = [0 0.4471 0.7412]; app.tripinmileseditfield.position = [352 176 100 22]; % create fueltypebuttongroup app.fueltypebuttongroup = uibuttongroup(app.leftpanel); app.fueltypebuttongroup.selectionchangedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @fueltypebuttongroupselectionchanged, true); app.fueltypebuttongroup.title = 'fuel type'; app.fueltypebuttongroup.backgroundcolor = [1 0 0]; app.fueltypebuttongroup.position = [40 405 123 76]; % create gasolinebutton app.gasolinebutton = uiradiobutton(app.fueltypebuttongroup); app.gasolinebutton.text = 'gasoline'; app.gasolinebutton.position = [11 30 69 22]; app.gasolinebutton.value = true; % create dieselbutton app.dieselbutton = uiradiobutton(app.fueltypebuttongroup); app.dieselbutton.text = 'diesel'; app.dieselbutton.position = [11 8 65 22]; % create trailertowedbuttongroup app.trailertowedbuttongroup = uibuttongroup(app.leftpanel); app.trailertowedbuttongroup.selectionchangedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @trailertowedbuttongroupselectionchanged, true); app.trailertowedbuttongroup.title = 'trailer towed'; app.trailertowedbuttongroup.backgroundcolor = [1 1 0]; app.trailertowedbuttongroup.position = [285 405 123 76]; % create yesbutton app.yesbutton = uiradiobutton(app.trailertowedbuttongroup); app.yesbutton.text = 'yes'; app.yesbutton.position = [11 30 58 22]; app.yesbutton.value = true; % create nobutton app.nobutton = uiradiobutton(app.trailertowedbuttongroup); app.nobutton.text = 'no'; app.nobutton.position = [11 8 65 22]; % create numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup app.numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup = uibuttongroup(app.leftpanel); app.numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup.selectionchangedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @numberofenginecylindersbuttongroupselectionchanged, true); app.numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup.title = 'number of engine cylinders'; app.numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup.backgroundcolor = [0.6353 0.0784 0.1843]; app.numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup.position = [143 248 167 106]; % create button_4 app.button_4 = uiradiobutton(app.numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup); app.button_4.text = '4'; app.button_4.position = [11 60 58 22]; app.button_4.value = true; % create button_6 app.button_6 = uiradiobutton(app.numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup); app.button_6.text = '6'; app.button_6.position = [11 38 65 22]; % create button_8 app.button_8 = uiradiobutton(app.numberofenginecylindersbuttongroup); app.button_8.text = '8'; app.button_8.position = [11 16 65 22]; % create editfield app.editfield = uieditfield(app.leftpanel, 'numeric'); app.editfield.position = [186 72 167 22]; % create centerpanel app.centerpanel = uipanel(app.gridlayout); app.centerpanel.layout.row = 1; app.centerpanel.layout.column = 2; % create calculatebutton app.calculatebutton = uibutton(app.centerpanel, 'push'); app.calculatebutton.buttonpushedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @calculatebuttonpushed, true); app.calculatebutton.backgroundcolor = [1 0.0745 0.651]; app.calculatebutton.position = [8 383 100 23]; app.calculatebutton.text = 'calculate'; % create plotbutton app.plotbutton = uibutton(app.centerpanel, 'push'); app.plotbutton.position = [8 136 100 23]; app.plotbutton.text = 'plot'; % create rightpanel app.rightpanel = uipanel(app.gridlayout); app.rightpanel.layout.row = 1; app.rightpanel.layout.column = 3; % create uiaxes app.uiaxes = uiaxes(app.rightpanel); title(app.uiaxes, 'mpg vs. cost per mile') xlabel(app.uiaxes, 'x') ylabel(app.uiaxes, 'y') zlabel(app.uiaxes, 'z') app.uiaxes.position = [6 54 316 195]; % create milesgalloneditfieldlabel app.milesgalloneditfieldlabel = uilabel(app.rightpanel); app.milesgalloneditfieldlabel.backgroundcolor = [0 0 1]; app.milesgalloneditfieldlabel.horizontalalignment = 'right'; app.milesgalloneditfieldlabel.position = [96 468 74 22]; app.milesgalloneditfieldlabel.text = 'miles /gallon'; % create milesgalloneditfield app.milesgalloneditfield = uieditfield(app.rightpanel, 'numeric'); app.milesgalloneditfield.valuechangedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @milesgalloneditfieldvaluechanged, true); app.milesgalloneditfield.backgroundcolor = [0 0 1]; app.milesgalloneditfield.position = [185 468 100 22]; % create gallonsofusedfueleditfieldlabel app.gallonsofusedfueleditfieldlabel = uilabel(app.rightpanel); app.gallonsofusedfueleditfieldlabel.backgroundcolor = [1 0.4118 0.1608]; app.gallonsofusedfueleditfieldlabel.horizontalalignment = 'right'; app.gallonsofusedfueleditfieldlabel.position = [96 413 111 22]; app.gallonsofusedfueleditfieldlabel.text = 'gallons of used fuel'; % create gallonsofusedfueleditfield app.gallonsofusedfueleditfield = uieditfield(app.rightpanel, 'numeric'); app.gallonsofusedfueleditfield.valuechangedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @gallonsofusedfueleditfieldvaluechanged, true); app.gallonsofusedfueleditfield.backgroundcolor = [1 0.4118 0.1608]; app.gallonsofusedfueleditfield.position = [222 413 100 22]; % create costtofuelupeditfieldlabel app.costtofuelupeditfieldlabel = uilabel(app.rightpanel); app.costtofuelupeditfieldlabel.backgroundcolor = [0 1 0]; app.costtofuelupeditfieldlabel.horizontalalignment = 'right'; app.costtofuelupeditfieldlabel.position = [96 362 82 22]; app.costtofuelupeditfieldlabel.text = 'cost to fuel up'; % create costtofuelupeditfield app.costtofuelupeditfield = uieditfield(app.rightpanel, 'numeric'); app.costtofuelupeditfield.valuechangedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @costtofuelupeditfieldvaluechanged, true); app.costtofuelupeditfield.backgroundcolor = [0 1 0]; app.costtofuelupeditfield.position = [193 362 100 22]; % create costmileeditfieldlabel app.costmileeditfieldlabel = uilabel(app.rightpanel); app.costmileeditfieldlabel.backgroundcolor = [0.4941 0.1843 0.5569]; app.costmileeditfieldlabel.horizontalalignment = 'right'; app.costmileeditfieldlabel.position = [96 307 52 22]; app.costmileeditfieldlabel.text = 'cost/mile'; % create costmileeditfield app.costmileeditfield = uieditfield(app.rightpanel, 'numeric'); app.costmileeditfield.valuechangedfcn = createcallbackfcn(app, @costmileeditfieldvaluechanged, true); app.costmileeditfield.backgroundcolor = [0.4941 0.1843 0.5569]; app.costmileeditfield.position = [163 307 100 22]; % show the figure after all components are created app.uifigure.visible = 'on'; end end % app creation and deletion methods (access = public) % construct app function app = jonpagelsprojectgui % create uifigure and components createcomponents(app) % register the app with app designer registerapp(app, app.uifigure) if nargout == 0 clear app end end % code that executes before app deletion function delete(app) % delete uifigure when app is deleted delete(app.uifigure) end end end jon,2005:question/1979804 2023-06-07t16:26:35z 2023-06-07t22:19:53z create a stand-alone legend for tabulated data i'm analyizing old datasets for work. as part of this work i am grouping the data into bins as shown in the table. i am then creating pdf reports of the data, and as part of that pdf creation i need a stand alone legend to insert into its own area. historically i had done a continuous color scale, and was easily able to produce a stand alone colorbar, but the powers who be would like discrete data groupings. i am struggling with producing figure handles in a loop that then can be used to produce a stand alone legend. all attempts are failing. the general code is this (i've stripped all my attempts out of the the legend producer): dat_bins=readtable("bin_input.xlsx"); %create rgb's for dat_bins for j=1:length(dat_bins.bin_color) if matches(string(dat_bins.bin_color(j)),"b") dat_bins.rgb{j}=[0 0 1]; elseif matches(string(dat_bins.bin_color(j)),"g") dat_bins.rgb{j}=[0 1 0]; elseif matches(string(dat_bins.bin_color(j)),"y") dat_bins.rgb{j}=[1 1 0]; elseif matches(string(dat_bins.bin_color(j)),"o") dat_bins.rgb{j}=[1 165/255 0]; else dat_bins.rgb{j}=[1 0 0]; end end fig_leg=figure('visible', 'on'); %create stand alone legend axis off for k=1:length(dat_bins.bin_start) fig_leg(k) = plot(nan, nan, 'color', dat_bins.rgb{k}); end legend(fig_leg, {string(dat_bins.bin_name)'}) any help would be greatly appreciated. oran,2005:question/1913725 2023-02-16t14:06:17z 2023-06-07t22:19:31z ind2sub with arbitrary martix hi i intend to use ind2sub to get the subscripts indexing from linear indexing and i will use if to read data in matrix of arbitrary size. the problem with this is that you have to know the dimension of the matrix, so that you can call ind2sub with the corresponding number of outputs. what i would like is to get a output vector that has the corresponding number of elements. is this possible to achieve? best regards thomas thomas,2005:question/1979889 2023-06-07t21:47:28z 2023-06-07t22:05:39z find probability of some data i have some data in simulink, i want to know what is the probability of these data to be less than some determined constant number? is there any function or way in matlab to find it? imp nig,2005:question/1978684 2023-06-05t16:25:49z 2023-06-07t21:53:08z unit delay block is supposed to be not a direct feedthrough but in documentation it is said yes in algebraic loop descrption here it is mentioned that: "examples of blocks that do not have direct feedthrough include the integrator block and the unit delay block." but if we see in the"help" of unit delay block it says yes it is a direct feedthrough block. (see the snapshot of unit delay help) fahad,2005:question/1979144 2023-06-06t14:27:06z 2023-06-07t21:47:33z how to fft a noisy earthquake data if someone could help me, i need to fft an actual earthquake data retrieved from the sensor installed in our school. i saw some articles that i first need to remove mean value, apply baseline correction, and filter before doing so. thank you very much. mary claire,2005:question/66780 2013-03-11t22:32:27z 2023-06-07t21:43:41z multiply each element of structured array, assignment of structured array i'm not exactly sure if i'm using the right terminology. i have a(1).b = 5; a(2).b = 6; a(3).b = 7; >>a.b ans = 5 ans = 6 ans = 7 i have two questions: 1. i want to multiply each element of the structured array so that a.b*2 would equal 10,12,14 instead of 5,6,7. but instead i get the error >>a.b*2 error using * too many input arguments. 2. how do i make a copy of the structured array? i have tried but it just results in the first element. >>c = a.b c = 5 likewise >> c = a(1:3).b c = 5 instead of c(1).b = 5, c(2).b = 6, and c(3).b = 7 like i want. john petersen