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hic sunt dracones! professional: physician (m.d.): diplomate of the american board of internal medicine; m.sc. biomedical engineering: instrumentation, signal processing, control, system identification, parameter estimation non-professional: amateur extra class amateur radio operator; private pilot, airplane single engine land, instrument rating airplane; gamer note: i do not respond to emails or personal messages, unless they are about my file exchange contributions. time zone: utc-7 (standard); utc-6 (daylight savings/summer)
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try this — ld = load('matlab.mat'); data = ld.filtereddata.'; l = numel(data) fs = 1000; x = linspace(0, l-1, l).'/fs; ...
11 hours 前 | 0
i am not certain what result you want with respect to ‘under the plotted curves’. adjusting that limit (defined here as ‘min(da...
12 hours 前 | 0
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@mary claire — the problem with your data is that they are really noisy (that appears to be thermal or noise) that probably ori...
1 day 前 | 1
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it would help to have the data and the code. there are likely version differences, specifically that the arguments to the mld...
1 day 前 | 0
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lacking detail as to what the analysis script does or what (if anything) it needs as input, i would put any input variables in a...
1 day 前 | 0
the arguments to the matlab window functions (all of them) must be integers greater than zero, and ‘n1’ is -61. that is obvious...
1 day 前 | 0
that resembles a surfc plot. the contour normally only shows the contour llines, however setting the 'facecolor' to 'flat' (fro...
2 days 前 | 2
perhaps something like this — x = linspace(1.3, 3.3)*1e 4; yfcn = @(x) x.*exp(-0.00025*x); y = yfcn(x-x(1))/6 [zeros(1,13)...
2 days 前 | 0
your data initially appeared to be chaotic when i plotted them, so i took a closer look and found that most of them aere arrange...
2 days 前 | 0
@surendra ratnu — i thought we covered all of this in how to find angle between a fixed point to multiple point ??.
3 days 前 | 0
since you are doing actual numeric calculations, one option is to use matlabfunction to convert ‘x_laplace’ from a symbolic func...
3 days 前 | 0
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you can save the fittest individuals in each generation during the optimisation, then use the last (or all) of them to re-start ...
3 days 前 | 0
i am not certain what you want, so i decided to give this a shot just out of interest — x = [linspace(0, 10, 11); linspace(20,...
3 days 前 | 0
if you are referring to the legend in the figure, it would be easiest to use the 'displayname' in every surf call so that the de...
4 days 前 | 0
you need to call ‘fluxfunction’ from a script with specific values for ‘a’ and ‘b’ that already existing in the script workspace...
4 days 前 | 0
use an appropriate interpolation function, such as interp1 or just index into it, depending on what you want to do — x = 0:pi/...
5 days 前 | 0
one approach that changes the x-axis and the data — xv = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]; % independent vari...
5 days 前 | 0
to generate an spl plot, and assuming compatible units (among other things) — nfft=2048; window = hann(nfft); overlap...
5 days 前 | 0
i prefer the pspectrum function for these analyses. see specifically spectrogram and reassigned spectrogram of chirp for an exa...
5 days 前 | 0
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the retime or synchronize would likely be more apporpriate here, however the resample function could work (and interp1 is an o...
5 days 前 | 2
this takes too long to run here (it took 336.315050 seconds — 00:05:36.315049 — just now on matlab online) however it plots the ...
6 days 前 | 0
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this appears to be a reasonably robust approach — a = [1 23 56]*10^(-9); b = a.*10.^ceil(-log10(abs(a)) 1) max_a = max(b) ...
6 days 前 | 0
yes, i could. if you want to design one as well, use the fir1 functon. i also recommend the see also section of the document...
6 days 前 | 0
the lsqucurvefit function has always been in the optimization toolbox for as long as i’ve been using matlab. you may be referri...
6 days 前 | 0
edit — (1 jun 2023 at 16:07) the array is table apparently created by readtable. use cell array indexing (explained below) or ...
7 days 前 | 0
if i understand the problem correctly, and all the data sets contain column vectors and are the same column size (they do not ha...
7 days 前 | 0
of course str2double returned nan for all of them because none of them are strings or character vectors. i suspect there are ...
7 days 前 | 0
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just for fun, i added a periodic function and a slope to the model — data=[0.928571429, 0; 0.012118074, 1.5; -0.45000118...
7 days 前 | 0
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please do not ever use global variables. use the approach described in passing extra parameters instead.
9 days 前 | 2
this is a bit more involved than it first appears. getting the data from the .fig file is straightforward, however it then ge...
9 days 前 | 0
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