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- matlab
- simulink
- aerospace blockset
- aerospace toolbox
- antenna toolbox
- audio toolbox
- bioinformatics toolbox
- bluetooth toolbox
- c2000 microcontroller blockset
- communications toolbox
- computer vision toolbox
- control system toolbox
- curve fitting toolbox
- data acquisition toolbox
- database toolbox
- datafeed toolbox
- deep learning toolbox
- dsp system toolbox
- econometrics toolbox
- financial instruments toolbox
- financial toolbox
- fixed-point designer
- fuzzy logic toolbox
- global optimization toolbox
- image acquisition toolbox
- image processing toolbox
- industrial communication toolbox
- instrument control toolbox
- lidar toolbox
- mapping toolbox
- matlab report generator
- matlab test
- medical imaging toolbox
- mixed-signal blockset
- model predictive control toolbox
- motor control blockset
- navigation toolbox
- optimization toolbox
- parallel computing toolbox
- partial differential equation toolbox
- phased array system toolbox
- predictive maintenance toolbox
- radar toolbox
- reinforcement learning toolbox
- requirements toolbox
- rf blockset
- rf pcb toolbox
- rf toolbox
- risk management toolbox
- robotics system toolbox
- robust control toolbox
- ros toolbox
- satellite communications toolbox
- sensor fusion and tracking toolbox
- signal integrity toolbox
- signal processing toolbox
- simbiology
- simevents
- simscape
- simscape battery
- simscape driveline
- simscape electrical
- simscape fluids
- simscape multibody
- simulink 3d animation
- simulink check
- simulink control design
- simulink coverage
- simulink design optimization
- simulink desktop real-time
- simulink report generator
- simulink test
- soc blockset
- spreadsheet link
- stateflow
- statistics and machine learning toolbox
- symbolic math toolbox
- system composer
- system identification toolbox
- text analytics toolbox
- uav toolbox
- vehicle network toolbox
- wavelet toolbox
- wireless testbench
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