visualization -凯发k8网页登录
view flight paths with matlab®, unreal engine®, or flight simulator animation; input data to models; display measurements
through standard cockpit instruments
visualize aerospace vehicle dynamics, including airplanes and urban air mobility (uam) vehicles in and around airports, using matlab graphics-based 3dof and 6dof animation blocks, the simulation 3d library blocks, or the third-party flightgear flight simulator blocks. unreal engine is a product of epic games®. flightgear is open source software available through a gnu general public license (gpl).
you can define geometries using matlab variables, mat-files, ac3d files, or custom formats. all animation library blocks support simulink® external mode execution for visualizing your rapid prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop applications.
frequently viewed topics
display measurements through standard cockpit instruments
connect to third-party flightgear software, connect joystick interface, or input flightgear data to models
3d aircraft simulation in unreal engine visualization environment
visualize flight paths and trajectories with 3dof and 6dof animation blocks; joystick interface