unit conversions -凯发k8网页登录
conversion of units, such as mass, pressure, and density,
and time calculations
convert physical property units, such as acceleration, density, and temperature, between metric and english units. for a list of supported aerospace units, see . also convert specified dates to julian equivalents.
convert from acceleration units to specified acceleration units | |
convert from angle units to specified angle units | |
convert from angular acceleration units to specified angular acceleration units | |
convert from angular velocity units to desired angular velocity units | |
convert from density units to specified density units | |
convert from force units to specified force units | |
convert from length units to desired length units | |
convert from mass units to specified mass units | |
convert from pressure units to specified pressure units | |
convert to desired temperature units | |
convert from current velocity units to desired velocity units | |
decimal year calculator | |
julian date calculator | |
determine leap year | |
modified julian date calculator | |
convert from terrestrial time to barycentric dynamical time (tdb) julian date |
use units and unit conversion functions available with the aerospace toolbox software.