vehicle -凯发k8网页登录
the powertrain blockset™ includes blocks for 1dof and 3dof vehicle motion. the driving scenario blocks allow you to specify a drive cycle and driver commands. use the vehicle blocks in fuel economy studies and drive cycle analysis.
use the virtual vehicle composer app to configure and build a virtual vehicle that you can use for system-level performance analysis, including component sizing, fuel economy, and drive cycle tracking. to get started with your virtual vehicle, see .
virtual vehicle composer | configure, build, and analyze a virtual automotive vehicle |
use the virtual vehicle composer app to configure, build, and analyze a virtual vehicle.
- step 1:
- step 2:
- step 3:
- step 4:
- step 5:
- step 6:
- step 7:
use the virtual vehicle composer to calibrate mapped ci engines from imported data.
use the virtual vehicle composer to calibrate mapped si engines from imported data.
use the virtual vehicle composer to calibrate mapped electric motors from imported data.
use the virtual vehicle composer to calibrate mapped dc-to-dc converters from imported data.
install drive cycle data for the drive cycle source block from a support package.
- resize engines and mapped motors
resize engines and mapped motors using the virtual vehicle composer app.
use the drive cycle source blocks to identify drive cycle faults.