解释结果 -凯发k8网页登录
解释 bug finder 结果消息并在源代码中导航,以查明导致结果的根本原因
interpret result details message, find root of result.
learn what procedure to follow if the results list pane is empty.
理解 bug finder 结果
see how polyspace shows results in source code lines containing macros.
view results from previous project runs and compare them to later runs.
polyspace access 仪表板视图
- dashboard in polyspace access web interface
see an overview of project results in graphical format, for instance, coding standard findings distribution by status.
monitor the quality of your code and create custom quality objectives definitions.
see a summary of your code metrics and pass/fail criteria.
polyspace access 审查视图
see callers and callees of a function.
see configuration options used for the analysis.
see details of a specific polyspace finding along with review information.
see list of polyspace findings with attributes such as file, function and review status.
see changes to the status, severity, or comments for a finding.
see your source code overlaid with polyspace findings.