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support for third-party software-defined radio hardware, such as xilinx®, rtl-sdr, adalm-pluto, and usrp™ radios

communications toolbox™ supports this hardware.

support packagevendorearliest release availablelatest release available
analog devices®r2017acurrent
ettus research™r2016bcurrent
ettus researchr2011bcurrent

for a list of support packages that you can use with communications toolbox, visit the catalog page for communications toolbox.

read a signal from external hardware devices using the communications toolbox support packages for software-defined radio (sdr). process captured or live over-the-air wireless signals using communications toolbox features.

design, prototype, and test sdr applications in matlab® and simulink® with live radio signals. use the supported hardware as a radio peripheral with the supplied bit stream. run your own design in fpgas with the automated targeting workflow by using hdl coder™. the support packages for sdr support fixed bit-stream and custom bit-stream (user-provided logic) workflows for sdr targeting.

for more information about software-defined radios with matlab and simulink, see .
