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explore and manage collections of documents in mongodb® using mongodb c interface

using the mongodb c interface, you can connect to mongodb, access documents, and import the stored data into the matlab® workspace for analysis. you can also run mongodb queries against a document collection in mongodb. to add data to document collections, you can export matlab tables, structures, and objects into mongodb.

database toolbox™ includes the mongodb c driver in the installation.


mongodb c interface connection


create mongodb c interface connection
determine if mongodb c interface connection is open
close mongodb c interface connection
count total number of documents in mongodb collection
retrieve documents in mongodb collection
create mongodb collection
drop mongodb collection
insert one or multiple documents into mongodb collection
remove one or multiple documents from mongodb collection
update one or multiple documents in mongodb collection


  • import all documents from a mongodb collection into the matlab workspace and perform a simple data analysis of numerical fields.

  • filter data using a mongodb query and import the data into the matlab workspace.

  • import a large set of flight data from a collection into the matlab workspace. to avoid out-of-memory issues, import large data in batches.

  • create a mongodb collection and insert structure data from the matlab workspace into the collection.

  • serialize and deserialize objects with mongodb and matlab.
