planning and control -凯发k8网页登录
vehicle costmaps, optimal rrt* path planning, lateral and longitudinal controllers
automated driving toolbox™ provides several features that support path planning and vehicle control.
to plan driving paths, you can use a vehicle costmap and the optimal rapidly exploring random tree (rrt*) motion-planning algorithm. you can also check the validity of the path, smooth the path, and generate a velocity profile along the path.
to design vehicle control systems, you can use lateral and longitudinal controllers that enable autonomous vehicles to follow a planned trajectory.
smooth vehicle path using cubic spline interpolation | |
generate velocity profile of vehicle path given kinematic constraints | |
control steering angle of vehicle for path following by using stanley method | |
control longitudinal velocity of vehicle by using stanley method |
control the steering angle of a vehicle following a planned path and perform lane changing.
- code generation for path planning and vehicle control
generate c code for a path planning and vehicle control algorithm, and verify the code using software-in-the-loop simulation.