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fault modeling -凯发k8网页登录

define faults and their behaviors in simulink® models

use simulink fault analyzer™ to model faults and conditionals. you can use the graphical interface or programmatic options to configure faults in models.


add conditional to model (since r2023b)
add fault to model (since r2023b)
delete conditional from model (since r2023b)
delete faults from model element (since r2023b)
retrieve conditionals from model (since r2023b)
retrieve paths of model elements that have faults (since r2023b)
find faults in model (since r2023b)
return fault models associated with model (since r2023b)
get and register libraries containing fault behaviors (since r2023b)
get fault subsystem blocks in libraries (since r2023b)
unregister libraries containing fault behaviors (since r2023b)
synchronize model fault information files (since r2023b)
add signal behavior to fault (since r2023b)
delete behavior associated with fault (since r2023b)
retrieve name of model fault (since r2023b)
get path of associated fault subsystem block (since r2023b)
get name of fault model (since r2023b)
get name of fault information file (since r2023b)
get symbols in conditionals (since r2023b)
return array of faults triggered by conditional (since r2023b)
open fault behavior and fault model (since r2023b)


create or modify faults in models (since r2023b)
create or modify conditionals in models (since r2023b)
create or modify symbols in conditionals (since r2023b)


capture inlet signal for fault behaviors (since r2023b)
output signals from fault behaviors (since r2023b)
model behaviors for fault injection (since r2023b)


  • access and change fault properties directly in simulink models using several programmatic options.

  • create custom fault behaviors and add them to a list of fault behaviors in with a fault behavior library. you can also modify faults within the library, and export and share them with others.

  • view and adjust fault properties.

  • use conditionals to define conditions that you can use to trigger faults.

  • modify faults in referenced models.

  • add and simulate faults in system composer models

    add faults to system composer™ components and simulate fault effects on component interactions.

  • avoid model simulation errors caused by faults by using these best practices.
