technical indicators
technical analysis (or charting) is used by some investment managers to help manage portfolios. technical analysis relies heavily on the availability of historical data. investment managers calculate different indicators from available data and plot them as charts. observations of price, direction, and volume on the charts assist managers in making decisions on their investment portfolios.
the technical analysis functions in financial toolbox™ are tools to help analyze your investments. the functions in themselves will not make any suggestions or perform any qualitative analysis of your investment.
technical analysis: oscillators
function | type |
accumulation/distribution oscillator | |
chaikin oscillator | |
moving average convergence/divergence | |
stochastic oscillator | |
acceleration | |
momentum |
technical analysis: stochastics
function | type |
chaikin volatility | |
fast stochastics, slow statistics | |
williams %r |
technical analysis: indexes
function | type |
negative volume index | |
positive volume index | |
relative strength index |
technical analysis: indicators
function | type |
accumulation/distribution line | |
bollinger band | |
highest high | |
lowest low | |
median price | |
on balance volume | |
price rate of change | |
price-volume trend | |
typical price | |
volume rate of change | |
weighted close | |
williams accumulation/distribution |
see also
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |