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price credit derivative instruments -凯发k8网页登录

create credit derivative instrument object, associate the object with a model, and specify pricing method

a credit derivative is a financial instrument designed to separate and then transfer the risk of an event of credit default to an entity other than the debtholder. a credit default swap is a particular type of swap designed to transfer the credit exposure of fixed income products between two or more parties. in a credit default swap, the buyer of the swap makes payments to the swap’s seller up until the maturity date of a contract. in return, the seller agrees that, in the event that the debt issuer defaults or experiences another credit event, the seller will pay the buyer the security’s premium as well all interest payments that would have been paid between that time and the security’s maturity date. a credit default swap is, in effect, insurance against non-payment. this toolbox provides functionality to price credit default swaps and credit default swap options. also, you can compute the default probability and hazard rate values from market data.

the object-based framework supports a workflow for creating instruments, models, and pricer objects to price financial instruments. using these objects, you can price interest-rate, inflation, equity, commodity, fx, or credit derivative instruments. the object-based workflow is an alternative to pricing financial instruments using functions. working with modular objects for instruments, models, and pricers, you can easily reuse these objects to compare instrument prices for different models and pricing engines. you can use the object-based workflow to price a single instrument or to price a collection of instruments in a portfolio. for more information on the workflow, see .

create a credit derivative object using , associate the object with a model using , and then specify a pricing method using .


create specified instrument object type
create specified model object type
create pricing method
compute price for credit derivative instrument with credit pricer
compute price for interest-rate, equity, or credit derivative instrument with analytic pricer
create defprobcurve object for credit instrument
compute survival probability based on default probability curve
compute hazard rates based on default probability curve
bootstrap defprobcurve object from market cds instruments


cds instrument object
cdsoption instrument object
create cdsblack model object for cdsoption instrument
create defprobcurve object for credit instrument
create credit pricer object for cds instrument using defprobcurve
create cdsblack pricer object for cdsoption instrument using cdsblack model


  • this example shows how to bootstrap a default probability curve for cds instruments.

  • use objects to model and price financial instruments.

  • select instruments, associated models, and associated pricers.

  • the following table lists the financial instruments toolbox™ functions for credit derivative instruments mapped to the associated workflow using the object-based framework for instruments, models, and pricers.


    the function-based workflows and the object-based workflows should not be mixed; they are parallel tracks for instrument pricing. the function-based and object-based workflows can return different instrument prices even if you use the same data. the difference is because the existing financial instruments toolbox functions internally use and the object-based framework use for date handling. for more information, see .

  • mapping functions to a workflow using objects for instruments, models, and pricers.

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