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price inflation instruments -凯发k8网页登录

create inflation instrument object, associate an inflation curve object, and specify pricing method

inflation is an economic condition involving an increase in the general price level of goods and services over time. inflation rate is defined as a percentage change in a reference index representing a basket of goods and services, such as the consumer price index (cpi). since inflation can significantly reduce the real value of an investment, many investors seek to hedge the inflation risk. although there are several ways to protect against inflation, inflation derivatives such as inflation swaps provide some of the most effective hedges against inflation risk.

the object-based framework supports a workflow for creating instruments, models, and pricer objects to price financial instruments. using these objects, you can price interest-rate, inflation, equity, commodity, fx, or credit derivative instruments. the object-based workflow is an alternative to pricing financial instruments using functions. working with modular objects for instruments, models, and pricers, you can easily reuse these objects to compare instrument prices for different models and pricing engines. you can use the object-based workflow to price a single instrument or to price a collection of instruments in a portfolio. for more information on the workflow, see .

create an inflation instrument object using , then associate an inflation curve object using , and then specify a pricing method using .


create specified instrument object type
create pricing method
build inflation curve from market zero-coupon inflation swap rates
calculate index values for inflationcurve object
compute price for inflation instrument with inflation pricer
compute cash flows for inflationbond instrument
compute cash flows for yearyearinflationswap instrument
compute cash flows for zerocouponinflationswap instrument


create inflationcurve object for interest-rate curve from dates and data
inflationbond instrument object
yearyearinflationswap instrument object
zerocouponinflationswap instrument object
create inflation pricer object for inflationbond, yearyearinflationswap, or zerocouponinflationswap instrument using inflationcurve model


  • this example shows how to analyze inflation-indexed instruments using financial toolbox™ and financial instruments toolbox™.

  • use objects to model and price financial instruments.

  • select instruments, associated models, and associated pricers.

  • mapping functions to a workflow using objects for instruments, models, and pricers.

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