you can create multi-object trackers that fuse information from various sensors. use to maintain a single hypothesis about the tracked objects. use to maintain multiple hypotheses about the tracked objects. use to assign multiple probable detections to the tracked objects. use to represent tracked objects using probability hypothesis density (phd) function. use to track objects using a grid-based occupancy evidence approach. use to fuse tracks generated by tracking sensors or trackers and architect decentralized tracking systems.
- introduction to multiple target tracking
introduction to assignment-based multiple target trackers.
introduce 2-d and s-d assignment problems in tracking systems.
- introduction to track-to-track fusion
track-to-track fusion architecture using track fuser.
- multiple extended object tracking
introduction to methods and examples of multiple extended object tracking in the toolbox.
- convert detections to objectdetection format
these examples show how to convert actual detections in the native format of the sensor into
objects. this example shows how to configure and use the global nearest neighbor (gnn) tracker.
this example shows how to define and use confirmation and deletion logic that are based on history or score.
introduce functions, objects, and blocks that support strict single-precision and non-dynamic memory allocation code generation in sensor fusion and tracking toolbox™.