design, test, and tune fuzzy inference systems -凯发k8网页登录
design, test, and tune fuzzy inference systems
the fuzzy logic designer app lets you design, test, and tune a fuzzy inference system (fis) for modeling complex system behavior.
using this app, you can:
design mamdani and sugeno fiss.
design type-1 and type-2 fiss.
tune the rules and membership functions of a fis.
add or remove input and output variables.
specify input and output membership functions.
define fuzzy if-then rules.
select fuzzy inference functions for:
and operations
or operations
analyze the behavior of a fis, including:
view rule inference process for given input values.
view output surface maps for fuzzy inference systems.
compare fis outputs with corresponding output values from testing data.
view error distributions across input ranges based on testing data.
export fis designs to the matlab® workspace.
the fuzzy logic designer app does not support the following tasks.
fis tree creation — instead, create fis trees at the matlab command line using objects. you can create the component fis objects using fuzzy logic designer and export them to the matlab workspace.
fis tree tuning — instead, tune fis trees at the matlab command line using the function. you can tune the component fis objects using fuzzy logic designer and export them to the matlab workspace.

open the fuzzy logic designer app
matlab toolstrip: on the apps tab, under control system design and analysis, click the app icon.
matlab command prompt: enter
import fis from workspace
in fuzzy logic designer, under import > import fuzzy inference system from workspace, click the fuzzy inference system.
a new fuzzy logic designer instance opens and loads the selected fis.
import fis from file
in fuzzy logic designer, select import > import fuzzy inference system from workspace.
then, in the import fuzzy inference system dialog box, select a fis file and click open.
convert fis
using fuzzy logic designer, you can convert between mamdani and sugeno systems and between type-1 and type-2 systems.
when you convert a fis, the app adds the converted fis to the design browser. to make the converted system active, select it in the design browser and click set active design.
for more information on converting between type-1 and type2 systems, see and .
for more information on converting between mamdani and sugeno systems, see .
related examples
programmatic use
opens the fuzzy logic designer app and
loads the getting started dialog box where you can open an existing fis or create an
initial fis structure. for more information, see .
opens the app and loads the
fuzzy inference system fis
. fis
can be any
, sugfis
, or sugfistype2
object in
the matlab workspace.
opens the app and loads
a fuzzy inference system from a file. filename
is the name of a
fis (*.fis
) file on the matlab path.
to save a fuzzy inference system to a fis file:
in fuzzy logic designer, under save, select the fuzzy inference system.
at the command line, use .
version history
introduced in r2014br2023a: tune rules and membership functions
you can interactively tune the rules and membership function parameters of the following types of fuzzy inference systems.
mamdani and sugeno systems
type-1 and type-2 systems
for an example, see .
r2023a: interactively evaluate performance of fis using testing data
you can interactively evaluate the performance of fuzzy inference system designs for given input/output testing data using the following documents in the app.
system validation — compare the outputs from each fis design with the corresponding output value from the testing data.
error distribution — for a given fis design, view the output error for different combinations of inputs.
for more information on analyzing fis designs, see ..
r2023a: automatically distribute membership functions across variable range
when defining membership functions for input and output variables, you can evenly distribute existing membership function across the variable range. for more information on defining membership functions, see .
r2022b: redesigned fuzzy logic designer app
the redesigned app streamlines workflows for interactively building fuzzy inference systems. using the updated app, you can:
design both mamdani and sugeno fuzzy inference systems
design fuzzy inference systems with either type-1 or type-2 membership functions
r2019b: support for fuzzy inference system structures will be removed
support for representing fuzzy inference systems as structures will be removed in a future release. use and objects with this function instead. to convert existing fuzzy inference system structures to objects, use the function.
this change was announced in r2018b. using fuzzy inference system structures with this app issues a warning starting in r2019b.
r2014b: command to open app renamed to fuzzylogicdesigner
previously, the command to open the app was fuzzy
see also
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