deployment -凯发k8网页登录
you can generate code for evaluating fuzzy inference systems in:
simulink® using simulink coder™ or simulink plc coder™
matlab® using matlab coder
you can also package and deploy standalone applications that include fuzzy systems using either matlab compiler™ or simulink compiler.
for more information, see .
evaluate fuzzy inference system |
evaluate fuzzy inference system | |
option set for evalfis function | |
create homogeneous fuzzy inference system structure |
you can generate code fuzzy inference systems or package and deploy standalone applications.
you can generate code for a fuzzy inference system implemented in simulink using a fuzzy logic controller block.
you can generate code for a fuzzy inference system evaluated in matlab using the
evalfis can generate structured text for a fuzzy inference system implemented in simulink using a fuzzy logic controller block.