axi manager -凯发k8网页登录
matlab axi master has been renamed to axi manager. in the software and documentation, the terms "manager" and "subordinate" replace "master" and "slave," respectively.
access on-board memory locations from matlab or simulink by using the axi manager ip in your fpga design. this ip connects to subordinate memory locations on the board. the ip also responds to read and write commands from matlab or simulink, over jtag, pci express®, or ethernet cable.
to use this feature, you must download a hardware support package for your fpga board. see support package documentation. for intel® fpga boards, see . for xilinx® fpga boards, see .
for information on downloading support packages, see .
visualize, measure, and analyze transitions and states over time |
high-level steps for accessing memory-mapped locations on an fpga board from matlab or simulink.
axi manager requirements and preparation
the fpga board support packages contain the definition files for all the supported boards for fpga-in-the-loop (fil) simulation, fpga data capture, or axi manager.
set the matlab path to xilinx, microchip, and intel software.
describes the steps in the automated support package setup process for configuring hardware for use with fpga-in-the-loop, axi manager, or fpga data capture.
adjust settings in the logic analyzer.