direct interface communication in simulink -凯发k8网页登录
send and receive data in simulink® models
the instrument control toolbox™ provides blocks for communicating with instruments and using the serial, tcp/ip, and udp interfaces in simulink. the blocks in the instrument control toolbox block library and examples showing how to use them are listed below.
configure parameters for serial port | |
receive binary data over serial port | |
send binary data over serial port | |
receive data over tcp/ip network from specified remote machine | |
send data over tcp/ip network to specified remote machine | |
receive data over udp network from specified remote machine | |
send data over udp network to specified remote machine | |
query or read instrument data | |
send simulation data to instrument |
access the instrument control toolbox block library in two ways.
send data to an echo server using tcp/ip and read that data back into a model.
make your simulation wait while the block receives or sends data.
determine block execution frequency and relate to real-world time.