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segment point cloud data using deep learning and geometric algorithms

semantic segmentation clusters the points of a 3-d point cloud by using their similar characteristics, and associates each point with a class label such as car, building, ground, or vegetation.

you can segment a point cloud based on edges, neighboring point properties, and geometric shapes such as cuboid, plane, and cylinder. lidar toolbox™ includes functions and workflows for geometric segmentation of point clouds. for more information, see the example.

lidar toolbox also supports semantic segmentation using deep learning. you can use the included pretrained pointseg, squeezesegv2, and pointnet convolutional neural networks (cnns) or develop custom segmentation models. for a segmentation workflow using a pointnet network, see .

semantic segmentation in lidar point clouds.


segment ground from lidar data using a smrf algorithm
segment organized 3-d range data into clusters
segment ground points from organized lidar data
segment curb points from point cloud
segment point cloud into clusters based on euclidean distance

load training data

combine data from multiple datastores
count occurrence of pixel or box labels
ground truth label data
datastore for image data
datastore for pixel label data

augment and preprocess training data

transform datastore
sample 3-d bounding boxes and corresponding points from training data
randomly augment point cloud data using objects

define layers

point cloud input layer

design networks

point cloud input layer
create squeezesegv2 segmentation network for organized lidar point cloud
create pointnet segmentation network

segment point cloud

point cloud semantic segmentation using deep learning
semantic image segmentation using deep learning
segment vegetation points from aerial lidar data
segment building points from aerial lidar data

visualize results

overlay label matrix regions on 2-d image
plot 3-d point cloud

evaluate results

evaluate semantic segmentation data set against ground truth
confusion matrix of multi-class pixel-level image segmentation


  • learn point cloud processing using deep learning.

  • assign class labels to each point inside a point cloud using deep learning.

  • define a pointnet network and use it to perform semantic segmentation.

  • (deep learning toolbox)

    learn how to use datastores in deep learning applications.

  • (deep learning toolbox)

    discover all the deep learning layers in matlab®.
