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coordinate transformations and trajectories -凯发k8网页登录

quaternions, rotation matrices, transformations, trajectory generation

navigation toolbox™ provides functions for transforming coordinates and units into the format required for your applications. use these functions to easily convert specific coordinates from one representation to the other.


convert axis-angle rotation to quaternion
convert axis-angle rotation to rotation matrix
convert axis-angle rotation to homogeneous transformation
convert euler angles to quaternion
convert euler angles to rotation matrix
convert euler angles to homogeneous transformation
create a quaternion array
convert quaternion to axis-angle rotation
convert quaternion to euler angles
convert quaternion to rotation matrix
convert quaternion to homogeneous transformation
so(3) rotation
convert rotation matrix to axis-angle rotation
convert rotation matrix to euler angles
convert rotation matrix to quaternion
convert rotation matrix to homogeneous transformation
se(3) homogeneous transformation
convert homogeneous transformation to axis-angle rotation
extract euler angles from homogeneous transformation
extract quaternion from homogeneous transformation
extract rotation matrix from homogeneous transformation
extract translation vector from homogeneous transformation
transform local east-north-up coordinates to geodetic coordinates
transform geodetic coordinates to local east-north-up coordinates
transform geodetic coordinates to local north-east-down coordinates
transform local north-east-down coordinates to geodetic coordinates
difference between two angles
convert cartesian coordinates to homogeneous coordinates
convert homogeneous coordinates to cartesian coordinates
convert translation vector to homogeneous transformation
waypoint trajectory generator
rate-driven trajectory generator
se(2) homogeneous transformation
se(3) homogeneous transformation
so(2) rotation
so(3) rotation
plot 3-d transforms from translations and rotations
compute motion quantities between two relatively fixed frames
3-d pose plot
pose plot appearance and behavior


convert to a specified coordinate transformation representation