report generator creation -凯发k8网页登录
create a matlab® program to generate a microsoft® word, html, or pdf report
use the matlab report generator™ application programming interface (api) to create programs to generate reports. to get started, see . other topics below have details about the required and optional tasks, and the elements that make up a report generator program. for general information on reporters, see what are reporters?
to share your report generation program with others who do not have matlab installed on their systems, see .
get an overview and general information about creating a report program.
required report tasks and elements
create report object to hold report content.
construct objects using api classes.
to add content to report api or dom api reports and report elements.
the last step in creating a report with the dom api is to close the report.
optional report tasks and elements
import packages so that you do not have to use long, fully qualified class names.
specify messages to display when generating a report.
display the generated report in a viewer.
enable sharing of report generation programs with users who do not have matlab installed.
troubleshoot an error that is caused by file contention during pdf generation on a cloud drive.