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nonlinear mixed-凯发k8网页登录

perform maximum likelihood estimation of population parameters

a nonlinear mixed-effects (nlme) model is a statistical model that incorporates both fixed effects (population parameters) and random effects (individual variations). it recognizes correlations within sample subgroups and works with small sample sizes. you can estimate population parameters while considering individual variations using various mixed-effects methods, such as stochastic approximation of expectation-maximization (saem), first-order conditional estimate (foce), first-order estimate (fo), linear mixed-effects (lme), and restrict lme approximation. for details, see .


build qsp, pk/pd, and mechanistic systems biology models interactively
simbiology model analyzeranalyze qsp, pk/pd, and mechanistic systems biology models


perform parameter estimation using simbiology problem object
fit nonlinear mixed-effects model (requires statistics and machine learning toolbox software)
simulate and evaluate fitted simbiology model
simulate a simbiology model, adding variations by sampling the error model
generate parameters by sampling covariate model (requires statistics and machine learning toolbox software)
sample error based on error model and add noise to input data
return a copy of the covariate model that was used for the nonlinear mixed-effects estimation using sbiofitmixed
create dose objects from groupeddata object
return the simulation results of a fitted nonlinear mixed-effects model
create design matrix needed for fit
return simbiology dose object
create structure containing initial estimates fixed effects needed for fit
check covariate model for errors
plot status of nonlinear mixed-effects estimation
create box plot showing the variation of estimated simbiology model parameters
compare simulation results to the training data, creating a time-course subplot for each group
compare predictions to actual data, creating a subplot for each response
plot the residuals for each response, using the time, group, or prediction as the x-axis
plot the distribution of the residuals


simbiology problem object for parameter estimation
table-like collection of data and metadata for fitting in simbiology
object containing information about estimated model quantities
results object containing estimation results from nonlinear mixed-effects modeling
define relationship between parameters and covariates


nlme basics

  • simbiology allows you to estimate population parameters (fixed effects) while considering individual variations (random effects) using nonlinear mixed-effect techniques.
  • supported methods for parameter estimation in simbiology
    simbiology® supports a variety of optimization methods for least-squares and mixed-effects estimation problems.

  • simbiology supports constant, proportional, combined, and exponential error models.

nlme workflows

  • perform nonlinear mixed-effects modeling using clinical pharmacokinetic data.

  • estimate model parameters using a simbiology problem object.