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resource allocation modeling -凯发k8网页登录

combine entities, model using resources, group entities, create composite and batched entities

resources are commodities shared by the entities in your model. entities in an event-based system can acquire and release resources. you determine what resources represent in your model. resources can represent supplies, machines, or any supplementary material that entities acquire to complete a task.


create composite entities
split composite entities
create batch of entities
split batch entities
acquire entity resources
pool entity resources
release entity resources
find entities


  • this example shows how to create, process, and split batched entities using entity batch creator and entity batch splitter blocks.

  • use resource blocks to share commodities in your model.

  • use the selected resources table of the resource acquirer block to receive the resource amount definition from the block dialog box or an entity attribute.

  • use simulink.simulationinput object to create simulation sets to test the results and to perform model optimization.

  • combine entities from different paths.

  • common workflows involving entity find block to find and extract entities.

  • this example shows how to model resource scheduling using data exchange between the matlab discrete-event system block and the data store memory block.
