模型测试指标 -凯发k8网页登录
使用模型测试指标来评估软件单元模型的测试的状态。打开模型测试仪表板来监控工程中的单元和测试工件。当您定义工件(如需求、设计单元模型和运行单元测试)时,仪表板会度量每个单元的测试工件的可追溯性和完整性。使用指标结果来添加缺失的可追溯性链接,填补测试缺口,并跟踪测试进度。您还可以使用指标 api 以编程方式收集指标结果(例如在持续集成系统中),并将结果保存在报告中。
- explore status and quality of testing activities using model testing dashboard
evaluate the status and quality of model testing in your project.
use the model testing dashboard to analyze the completeness and quality of requirements-based testing activities in accordance with the iso 26262 standard.- fix requirements-based testing issues
fix model testing quality issues by using the model testing dashboard.
monitor the relationships between artifacts and identify outdated tool outputs.
set up and manage a project that uses the dashboards.
label models by their testing interface to more easily track requirements-based testing activities for a model hierarchy.
use the model testing metrics to return metric data on the status and quality of your model testing.
run subsystem-level tests and analyze aggregated model coverage.
troubleshoot artifact tracing and analysis in the dashboards.
use a continuous integration system to test models and assess requirements-based testing completeness.
hide requirements metrics to display only the metrics for your test case breakdown, model test status, and model coverage.