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fpga subsystem configuration -凯发k8网页登录

fpga subsystem configuration with hdl coder™ hdl workflow advisor

install speedgoat® fpga modules in the target computer system and use them for specialized reconfigurable i/o in your real-time application.

fpga i/o modules include their own local i/o, including digital and analog input and output channels. for more information about fpga modules, see .

select one or multiple fpga i/o modules by using hdl coder hdl workflow advisor. you then identify subsystems of your simulink® model to delegate to hdl code generation during the model build. in this way, you create real-time applications that run on the target computer system cpu and on the fpga i/o modules.

for an example that uses hdl coder, see fpga programming and configuration on speedgoat simulink-programmable i/o modules (hdl coder).


  • implementing simulink algorithms on fpgas on board speedgoat fpga i/o modules.

  • schedule the real-time application by using an interrupt on the fpga.

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