requirements comparison and change tracking -凯发k8网页登录
collaborate on team-based requirements activities by using projects and use change tracking to track changes to requirements and requirement links across different versions. compare requirement and link set files and generate reports for your requirement sets.
generate report for requirement set | |
get default report generation options | |
refresh requirement link dependencies |
collaborate on requirements by using projects to manage your requirement sets and models.
- track changes to requirement links
track and resolve changes to requirement links, and provide comments for other reviewers.
track changes to test cases linked with the requirements in the requirements editor.
merge changes to requirement set and link set files from multiple users.
view individual differences between two requirement sets, with side-by-side comparison.
compare link sets.
- report requirements information
create requirements reports for review and approval.
publish and save comparison results for requirements and link set files in a printable report.