peripherals -凯发k8网页登录
configure and use analog, control, communication, and system peripherals
to build and deploy applications on ti’s c2000™ boards
create simulink® models using analog, control, communication and system peripherals available on ti 2000 microcontrollers.
peripheral blocks, such as digital io, adc, and epwm are used to perform simulations of control algorithms that require adc-pwm synchronization. trigger asynchronous tasks using the interrupts. use the serial blocks to communicate between the host and the target.
configure and use analog peripherals such as adc, cmpss, dac, and more
configure and use control peripherals such as pwm, ecap, eqep, sdfm, and more
configure and use system peripherals such as cla, gpio, and watchdog
configure and use communication peripherals such as can, i2c, ipc, sci, spi, tcp, udp, and more
use serial blocks to communicate between the host and the target
use memory blocks to perform memory specific operation
blocks that represent the functionality of the ti’s c2000 iqmath library
trigger asynchronous and background tasks
configure sensors connected to texas instruments® c2000™ microcontrollers
communicate with targets using byte pack/unpack, can pack/unpack, can fd, protocol and other blocks