px4 autopilots support from uav toolbox -凯发k8网页登录
access px4 autopilot peripherals with uav toolbox and automatically build and deploy flight control algorithms with embedded coder
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capabilities and features
using the uav toolbox support package for px4® autopilots, you can access autopilot peripherals from matlab® and simulink®. with embedded coder®, you can also automatically generate c code and use the px4 toolchain to build and deploy algorithms tailored specifically for pixhawk® and pixracer flight management units (fmu), all while incorporating onboard sensor data and other px4-specific services.
key capabilities:
- integration of code generated from simulink with the general px4 architecture
- custom startup script for px4-based autopilots
- integration with cygwin to build code on microsoft® windows® machines
- a sensor/peripheral block library for inertial measurements, gps, vehicle estimation, pwm output, adc, i2c, and serial rx/tx. this can be .
- the ability to access autopilot peripherals during simulation on the px4 host target
- the ability to view the value of signals and tune parameters in real time so you can interactively test the behavior of the generated code
- the ability to read and write uorb topics as well as enabling real-time scheduling with uorb
- the ability to automatically deploy flight control designs directly from simulink onto pixhawk autopilots.
- log signals to the micro-sd card connected to pixhawk series flight controllers
- perform code verification and validation with processor-in-the-loop (pil) simulation
- examples on how to log and record flight data of sensors, actuators, or any part of your simulink control model for test and analysis.
about px4
px4 is a trademark of lorenz meier and consists of an open-hardware autopilot ecosystem and low-cost flight control units. pixhawk (px4) autopilots are low-cost flight control units based on open hardware. they feed on-board sensor inputs to algorithms running on arm® cortex®-m microprocessors to drive motors using pwm outputs. they are based on nuttx real-time operating system (rtos) and support flight control and vehicle management of fixed- and rotary-winged aircraft.
platform and release support
see for current and prior version, release, and platform availability.
platform and release support
see for current and prior version, release, and platform availability.
supported hardware
px4 autopilot | fmu version | releases supported |
pixhawk 1 | fmuv2 | r2018b onward |
pixhawk cube (pixhawk 2.1) | fmuv3 | r2018b onward |
pixracer | fmuv4 | r2018b onward |
pixhawk 4 | fmuv5 | r2018b onward |