analyze deep learning network architecture -凯发k8网页登录
analyze deep learning network architecture
use analyzenetwork
to visualize and understand the
architecture of a network, check that you have defined the architecture correctly, and
detect problems before training. problems that analyzenetwork
detects include missing or unconnected layers, incorrectly sized layer inputs, an
incorrect number of layer inputs, and invalid graph structures.
to interactively visualize, analyze, and train a network, use
. for more information, see deep network
analyzes the
network layers given by the layer array or layer graph layers
and also detects errors and issues for trainnetwork
the function displays an interactive visualization of the network architecture and
provides detailed information about the network layers. the layer information
includes the layer type, the size and format of the layer activations, and the size
and number of learnable and state parameters.
each activation dimension has one of the following labels: s
(spatial), c
(channel), b
(time or sequence), or u
analyzes the layer array or layer graph layers
using the
example networks inputs x1,...,xn
. the software propagates the
example inputs through the network to determine the size and format of layer
activations, the size and number of learnable and state parameters, and the total
number of learnables. use this syntax to analyze a network that has one or more
inputs that are not connected to an input layer.
analyzes the net
object net
example networks inputs x1,...,xn
. the software propagates the
example inputs through the network to determine the size and format of layer
activations, the size and number of learnable and state parameters, and the total
number of learnables. use this syntax to analyze an uninitialized
that has one or more inputs that are not connected to
an input layer.
input arguments
version history
introduced in r2018a
see also
deep network designer | | | | | | |