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clear results logged by instrumented, compiled c code function -凯发k8网页登录

clear results logged by instrumented, compiled c code function


clearinstrumentationresults('mex_fcn') clears the results logged from calling the instrumented mex function, mex_fcn.


clearinstrumentationresults mex_fcn is an alternative syntax for clearing the log.

clearinstrumentationresults all clears the results from all instrumented mex functions.


this example shows how to create an instrumented mex function, run a test bench, then view logged results.

define prototype input arguments.

n = 128;
x = complex(zeros(n,1));
w = fi_radix2twiddles(n);

generate an instrumented mex function. use the -o option to specify the mex function name. use the -histogram option to compute histograms.

if you have a matlab® coder™ license, you can also add the -coder option. in this case,

buildinstrumentedmex testfft -o testfft_instrumented -args {x,coder.constant(w)} -histogram

if you have a matlab® coder™ license, you can also add the -coder option. for example,

buildinstrumentedmex testfft -coder -o testfft_instrumented -args {x,w}

like the fiaccel function, the buildinstrumentedmex function generates a mex function. to generate c code, use the matlab® coder™ codegen function.

run a test file to record instrumentation results. use the showinstrumentedmex function to open the report. to view the simulation minimum and maximum values and whole number status, pause over a variable in the report. you can also see proposed data types for double precision numbers in the table.

for i=1:20
   y = testfft_instrumented(randn(size(x)),w);
showinstrumentationresults testfft_instrumented


close the histogram display, then use the clearinstrumentationresults function to clear the results log.

clearinstrumentationresults testfft_instrumented

run a different test bench, then view the new instrumentation results.

for i=1:20
   y = testfft_instrumented(cast(rand(size(x))-0.5,'like',x),w);
showinstrumentationresults testfft_instrumented


to view the histogram for a variable, click the histogram icon in the variables tab.


close the histogram display, then use the clearinstrumentationresults function to clear the results log.

clearinstrumentationresults testfft_instrumented

clear the mex function.

clear testfft_instrumented

input arguments

instrumented mex function created using buildinstrumentedmex.

version history

introduced in r2011b
