data caching basics
persistence provides a mechanism to cache data between calls to matlab® code running on a server instance. a persistence service runs separately from the server instance and can be started and stopped manually. a connection name links a server instance to a persistence service. a persistence service uses a persistence provider to store data. currently, redis™ is the only supported persistence provider. the connection name is used in matlab application code to create a data cache in the linked persistence service.
typical workflow for data caching
steps | command line | dashboard |
1. create file mps_cache_config | manually create a json file and place it in the
config folder of the server instance. do not
include the .json extension in the
filename. | automatically created. |
2. start persistence service | use to start a persistence service. for testing purposes, you can create a persistence service controller object using (matlab compiler sdk). |
3. create a data cache | use (matlab compiler sdk) to create a data cache. | use (matlab compiler sdk) to create a data cache. |
configure server to use redis
create redis configuration file
before starting a persistence service for an on-premises server instance from
the system command prompt, you must create a json file called
(no .json
and place it in the config
folder of the server instance. if
you use the dashboard to manage an on-premises server instance and for server
deployments on the cloud, the mps_cache_config
file is
automatically created on server creation.
{ "connections": { " |
specify the
, and
in the json file. the host
name can either be localhost
or a remote host name obtained
from an azure®
redis cache resource. if you use azure cache for redis, you must specify an access key. to use an azure
redis cache, you need a microsoft®
azure account.
you can specify multiple connections in the file
. each connection must have a unique name
and a unique (host, port) pair. if you are using the persistence service through
the dashboard, the file mps_cache_config
is automatically
created in the config
folder of the server instance.
install wsl for server instances running on windows
if your matlab production server™ instance runs on a windows® machine, you require additional configuration. the following configuration is not required for server instances that run on linux® and macos.
you need to install windows subsystem for linux (wsl). for details on installing wsl, see .
if the matlab production server software is installed on a network drive, you must mount the network drive in wsl.
example: increment counter using data cache
this example shows you how to use persistence to increment a counter using a data cache. the example presents two workflows: a testing workflow that uses the matlab and a deployment workflow that requires an active server instance.
testing workflow in matlab compiler sdk
create a persistence service that uses redis as the persistence provider and start the service.
ctrl = mps.cache.control('myredisconnection','redis','port',4519) start(ctrl)
write matlab code that creates a cache and then updates a counter using the cache. name the file
test the counter.
for i = 1:5 y(i) = mycounter('mycache','myredisconnection'); end y
y = 0 1 2 3 4
deployment workflow using matlab production server
before you deploy code that uses persistence to a server instance, start the
persistence service and attach it to the server instance. you can start the
persistence service from the system command line using or follow the steps in the dashboard. this example
assumes your server instance uses the default host and port:
package the file
using the production server compiler app ormcc
.deploy the archive (
file) to the server.test the counter. you can make calls to the server using the from the matlab desktop.
rhs = {['mycache'],['myredisconnection']}; body = mps.json.encoderequest(rhs,'nargout',1); options = weboptions; options.contenttype = 'text'; options.mediatype = 'application/json'; options.timeout = 30; for i = 1:5 response = webwrite('http://localhost:9910/mycounter/mycounter', body, options); x(i) = mps.json.decoderesponse(response); end x = [x{:}]
x = 0 1 2 3 4
as expected, the results from the testing environment workflow and the deployment environment workflow are the same.
see also
(matlab compiler sdk) | (matlab compiler sdk) | (matlab compiler sdk) | (matlab compiler sdk) | (matlab compiler sdk) | (matlab compiler sdk) | (matlab compiler sdk)