plc coder: optimization
remove code from floating-point to integer conversions that wraps out-of-range values
fold temporary variable using function block instance output variable
optimization overview
select the code generation optimization settings.
see also
default parameter behavior
transform numeric block parameters into constant inlined values in the generated code. this option is available on the plc code generation > optimization pane in the configuration parameters dialog box.
transform numeric block parameters into constant inlined values in the generated code.
category: optimization
for grt targets |
for ert targets
set default parameter behavior to
to reduce global ram usage and increase efficiency of the generated code. the code does not allocate memory to represent numeric block parameters such as the gain parameter of a gain block. instead, the code inlines the literal numeric values of these block parameters.tunable
set default parameter behavior to
to enable tunability of numeric block parameters in the generated code. the code represents numeric block parameters and variables that use the storage classauto
, including numeric matlab® variables, as tunable fields of a global parameters structure.
whether you set default parameter behavior to
or totunable
, create parameter data objects to preserve tunability for block parameters. for more information, see (simulink coder).when you switch from a system target file that is not ert-based to one that is ert-based, default parameter behavior sets to
by default. however, you can change the setting of default parameter behavior later.when a top model uses referenced models, or if a model is referenced by another model:
all referenced models must set default parameter behavior to
if the top model has default parameter behavior set toinlined
.the top model can specify default parameter behavior as
if your model contains an block, you can suppress code generation for the branch connected to the sim port if you set default parameter behavior to
and the branch does not contain external signals.
command-line information
parameter:plc_plcenablevarreuse |
type: string |
'on' | 'off' |
'on' |
see also
signal storage reuse
reuse signal memory. this option is available on the plc code generation > optimization pane in the configuration parameters dialog box.
default: on
reuses memory buffers allocated to store block input and output signals, reducing the memory requirement of your real-time program.
allocates a separate memory buffer for each block's outputs. this allocation makes block outputs global and unique, which in many cases significantly increases ram and rom usage.
this option applies only to signals with storage class
.signal storage reuse can occur among only signals that have the same data type.
clearing this option can substantially increase the amount of memory required to simulate large models.
clear this option if you want to:
debug a c-mex s-function.
use a or a block with the floating display option selected to inspect signals in a model that you are debugging.
if you select signal storage reuse and attempt to use a floating scope or floating display block to display a signal whose buffer has been reused, an error dialog box opens.
command-line information
parameter:plc_plcenablevarreuse |
type: string |
value: 'on' | 'off' |
default: 'on' |
see also
remove code from floating-point to integer conversions that wraps out-of-range values
enable code removal for efficient casts. this option is available on the plc code generation > optimization pane in the configuration parameters dialog box.
default: on
removes code from floating-point to integer conversions.
does not remove code from floating-point to integer conversions.
use this parameter to optimize code generation.
command-line information
parameter: plc_plcenableefficientcast |
type: string |
value: 'on' | 'off' |
default: 'on' |
see also
generate reusable code
using this option, you can generate better reusable code for reusable subsystems. for instance, if your model contains multiple instances of the same subsystem and some instances have constant inputs, by default, the generated code contains separate function blocks for each instance. if you select this option, the software does not consider whether the inputs to the subsystem are constant and generates one function block for the multiple instances.
this option is available on the plc code generation > optimization pane in the configuration parameters dialog box.
default: off
generates better reusable code for reusable subsystems.
reverts to its default behavior. instead of a single reusable function block, the software generates separate function blocks for individual instances of a reusable subsystem because of certain differences in their inputs.
if you find multiple function blocks in your generated code for multiple instances of the same subsystem, select this option. the software performs better identification of whether two instances of a subsystem are actually the same and whether it can combine the multiple blocks into one reusable function block.
if different instances of a subsystem have different values of a block parameter, you cannot generate reusable code. clear this option or use the same block parameter for all instances.
despite selecting this option, if you do not see reusable code for different instances of a subsystem, you can determine the reason. to determine if two reusable subsystems are identical, the code generator internally uses a checksum value. you can compare the checksum values for two instances of a subsystem and investigate why they are not identical.
to get the checksum values for the two instances that you expect to be identical, use the function . if the checksum values are different, investigate the checksum details to see why the values are not identical.
command-line information
parameter:plc_generatereusablecode |
type: string |
'on' | 'off' |
'off' |
see also
inline named constants
using this option, you can control inlining of global named constants. by default,
the generated code contains named ssmethodtype
constants for
internal states or other simulink® semantics. if you select this option, the software replaces the named
constants with its integer value.
this option is available on the plc code generation > optimization pane in the configuration parameters dialog box.
default: off
inlines named constants.
reverts to its default behavior and uses named constants in the generated code.
command-line information
parameter:plc_inlinenamedconstant |
type: string |
'on' | 'off' |
'off' |
see also
reuse matlab function block variables
you can use this option to enable reuse of matlab function block variables in the generated code.
this option is available on the plc code generation > optimization pane in the configuration parameters dialog box.
default: off
generates code that reuses matlab function block variables where appropriate.
reverts to its default behavior and does not reuse variables in the generated code.
command-line information
parameter:plc_reusemlfcnvariable |
type: string |
'on' | 'off' |
'off' |
see also
fold temporary variable using function block instance output variable
use this to optimize the code for the output variables of function blocks generated from reusable simulink subsystems, stateflow® charts, or matlab function blocks by removing temporary variable assignments that are not required. this option is available on the plc code generation> optimization pane in the configuration parameters dialog box.
default: off
generates optimized code for output variables of function blocks by folding temporary variables into a single expression.
the generated code for function block instance output variables uses temporary variable assignments.
command-line information
parameter:plc_foldfbcalloutputvar |
type: string |
'on' | 'off' |
'off' |
this option is not supported for the rockwell automation® studio 5000 and the omron sysmac® studio target ides.
loop unrolling threshold
specify the minimum signal or parameter width for which a for loop is generated. this option is available on the plc code generation > optimization pane in the configuration parameters dialog box.
specify the array size at which the code generator begins to
use a for
loop instead of separate assignment statements
to assign values to the elements of a signal or parameter array.
when the loops are perfectly nested loops, the code generator uses a for
loop if the product of the loop counts for all
loops in the perfect loop nest is greater than or equal to this
command-line information
parameter: plc_rollthreshold |
type: string |
value: any valid value |
default: '5' |
see also
remove unused ssmethod fb call arguments
enable this parameter to generate less complex, more readable code by removing
unused arguments in function block calls from ssmethod
this parameter is available on the plc code generation > optimization pane in the configuration
parameters dialog box.
default: off
generate readable, less complex code by removing unused arguments in function block calls from
calls in the generated
do not remove unused arguments in function block calls.
command-line information
parameter:plc_removeunusedssmethodcallarguments |
type: string |
'on' | 'off' |
'off' |
before you enable this option, ensure that the target ide supports the removal
of unused arguments in function block calls from ssmethod