reset environment, agent, experience buffer, or policy object -凯发k8网页登录
reset environment, agent, experience buffer, or policy object
since r2022a
resets the specified matlab® environment to an initial state and returns the resulting initial
observation value.initialobs
= reset(env
do not use reset
for simulink® environments, which are implicitly reset when running a new simulation.
instead, customize the reset behavior using the resetfcn
property of
the environment.
resets the specified agent.
resetting a built-in agent performs the following actions, if applicable.agent
empty experience buffer.
set recurrent neural network states of actor and critic networks to zero.
reset the states of any noise models used by the agent.
agent = reset(
also returns the reset
agent as an output argument.agent
returns the policy object resetpolicy
= reset(policy
in which any recurrent neural
network states are set to zero and any noise model states are set to their initial
conditions. this syntax has no effect if the policy object does not use a recurrent neural
network and does not have a noise model with state.
input arguments
output arguments
version history
introduced in r2022a