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options for training multiple reinforcement learning agents -凯发k8网页登录

options for training multiple reinforcement learning agents

since r2022a


use an rlmultiagenttrainingoptions object to specify training options for multiple agents. to train the agents using the specified options, pass this object to train.

for more information on training agents, see train reinforcement learning agents.



trainopts = rlmultiagenttrainingoptions returns the default options for training multiple reinforcement learning agents. use training options to specify parameters for the training session, such as the maximum number of episodes to train, criteria for stopping training, and criteria for saving agents. after configuring the options, use trainopts as an input argument for train.


trainopts = rlmultiagenttrainingoptions(name,value) creates a training option set and sets object properties using one or more name-value pair arguments.


agent grouping indices, specified as a cell array of positive integers or a cell array of integer arrays.

for instance, consider a training scenario with 4 agents. you can group the agents in the following ways:

  • allocate each agent in a separate group:

    trainopts = rlmultiagenttrainingoptions("agentgroups","auto")
  • specify four agent groups with one agent in each group:

    trainopts = rlmultiagenttrainingoptions("agentgroups",{1,2,3,4})
  • specify two agent groups with two agents each:

    trainopts = rlmultiagenttrainingoptions("agentgroups",{[1,2],[3,4]})
  • specify three agent groups:

    trainopts = rlmultiagenttrainingoptions("agentgroups",{[1,4],2,3})

agentgroups and learningstrategy must be used together to specify whether agent groups learn in a centralized manner or decentralized manner.

example: agentgroups={1,2,[3,4]}

learning strategy for each agent group, specified as either "decentralized" or "centralized". in decentralized training, agents collect their own set of experiences during the episodes and learn independently from those experiences. in centralized training, the agents share the collected experiences and learn from them together.

agentgroups and learningstrategy must be used together to specify whether agent groups learn in a centralized manner or decentralized manner. for example, you can use the following command to configure training for three agent groups with different learning strategies. the agents with indices [1,2] and [3,5] learn in a centralized manner, while agent 4 learns in a decentralized manner.

trainopts = rlmultiagenttrainingoptions(...
     learningstrategy=["centralized","decentralized","centralized"] )

example: learningstrategy="centralized"

maximum number of episodes to train the agents, specified as a positive integer. regardless of other criteria for termination, training terminates after maxepisodes.

example: maxepisodes=1000

maximum number of steps to run per episode, specified as a positive integer. in general, you define episode termination conditions in the environment. this value is the maximum number of steps to run in the episode if other termination conditions are not met.

example: maxstepsperepisode=1000

window length for averaging the scores, rewards, and number of steps for each agent, specified as a scalar or vector.

specify a scalar to apply the same window length to all agents. to use a different window length for each agent, specify scoreaveragingwindowlength as a vector. in this case, the order of the elements in the vector correspond to the order of the agents used during environment creation.

for options expressed in terms of averages, scoreaveragingwindowlength is the number of episodes included in the average. for instance, if stoptrainingcriteria is "averagereward" and stoptrainingvalue is 500 for a given agent then for that agent, training terminates when the average reward over the number of episodes specified in scoreaveragingwindowlength equals or exceeds 500. for the other agents, training continues until:

  • all agents reach their stop criteria.

  • the number of episodes reaches maxepisodes.

  • you stop training by clicking the stop training button in episode manager or pressing ctrl-c at the matlab® command line.

example: scoreaveragingwindowlength=10

training termination condition, specified as one of the following strings:

  • "averagesteps" — stop training when the running average number of steps per episode equals or exceeds the critical value specified by the option stoptrainingvalue. the average is computed using the window 'scoreaveragingwindowlength'.

  • "averagereward" — stop training when the running average reward equals or exceeds the critical value.

  • "episodereward" — stop training when the reward in the current episode equals or exceeds the critical value.

  • "globalstepcount" — stop training when the total number of steps in all episodes (the total number of times the agent is invoked) equals or exceeds the critical value.

  • "episodecount" — stop training when the number of training episodes equals or exceeds the critical value.

example: stoptrainingcriteria="averagereward"

critical value of the training termination condition, specified as a scalar or a vector.

specify a scalar to apply the same termination criterion to all agents. to use a different termination criterion for each agent, specify stoptrainingvalue as a vector. in this case, the order of the elements in the vector corresponds to the order of the agents used during environment creation.

for a given agent, training ends when the termination condition specified by the stoptrainingcriteria option equals or exceeds this value. for the other agents, the training continues until:

  • all agents reach their stop criteria.

  • the number of episodes reaches maxepisodes.

  • you stop training by clicking the stop training button in episode manager or pressing ctrl-c at the matlab command line.

for instance, if stoptrainingcriteria is "averagereward" and stoptrainingvalue is 100 for a given agent, then for that agent training terminates when the average reward over the number of episodes specified in scoreaveragingwindowlength equals or exceeds 100.

example: stoptrainingvalue=100

condition for saving agents during training, specified as one of the following strings:

  • "none" — do not save any agents during training.

  • "episodereward" — save the agent when the reward in the current episode equals or exceeds the critical value.

  • "averagesteps" — save the agent when the running average number of steps per episode equals or exceeds the critical value specified by the option stoptrainingvalue. the average is computed using the window 'scoreaveragingwindowlength'.

  • "averagereward" — save the agent when the running average reward over all episodes equals or exceeds the critical value.

  • "globalstepcount" — save the agent when the total number of steps in all episodes (the total number of times the agent is invoked) equals or exceeds the critical value.

  • "episodecount" — save the agent when the number of training episodes equals or exceeds the critical value.

set this option to store candidate agents that perform well according to the criteria you specify. when you set this option to a value other than "none", the software sets the saveagentvalue option to 500. you can change that value to specify the condition for saving the agent.

for instance, suppose you want to store for further testing any agent that yields an episode reward that equals or exceeds 100. to do so, set saveagentcriteria to "episodereward" and set the saveagentvalue option to 100. when an episode reward equals or exceeds 100, train saves the corresponding agent in a mat-file in the folder specified by the saveagentdirectory option. the mat-file is called agentk.mat, where k is the number of the corresponding episode. the agent is stored within that mat-file as saved_agent.

example: saveagentcriteria="episodereward"

critical value of the condition for saving agents, specified as a scalar or a vector.

specify a scalar to apply the same saving criterion to each agent. to save the agents when one meets a particular criterion, specify saveagentvalue as a vector. in this case, the order of the elements in the vector corresponds to the order of the agents used when creating the environment. when a criteria for saving an agent is met, all agents are saved in the same mat-file.

when you specify a condition for saving candidate agents using saveagentcriteria, the software sets this value to 500. change the value to specify the condition for saving the agent. see the saveagentcriteria option for more details.

example: saveagentvalue=100

folder for saved agents, specified as a string or character vector. the folder name can contain a full or relative path. when an episode occurs that satisfies the condition specified by the saveagentcriteria and saveagentvalue options, the software saves the agents in a mat-file in this folder. if the folder does not exist, train creates it. when saveagentcriteria is "none", this option is ignored and train does not create a folder.

example: saveagentdirectory = pwd "\run1\agents"

option to stop training when an error occurs during an episode, specified as "on" or "off". when this option is "off", errors are captured and returned in the simulationinfo output of train, and training continues to the next episode.

example: stoponerror = "off"

option to display training progress on the command line, specified as the logical value false (0) or true (1). set to true to write information from each training episode to the matlab command line during training.

example: verbose = true

option to display training progress with episode manager, specified as "training-progress" or "none". by default, calling train opens the reinforcement learning episode manager, which graphically and numerically displays information about the training progress, such as the reward for each episode, average reward, number of episodes, and total number of steps. (for more information, see train.) to turn off this display, set this option to "none".

example: plots = "none"

object functions

traintrain reinforcement learning agents within a specified environment


create an options set for training 5 reinforcement learning agents. set the maximum number of episodes and the maximum number of steps per episode to 1000. configure the options to stop training when the average reward equals or exceeds 480, and turn on both the command-line display and reinforcement learning episode manager for displaying training results. you can set the options using name-value pair arguments when you create the options set. any options that you do not explicitly set have their default values.

trainopts = rlmultiagenttrainingoptions(...
trainopts = 
  rlmultiagenttrainingoptions with properties:
                   agentgroups: {[1 2]  [3]  [4 5]}
              learningstrategy: ["centralized"    "decentralized"    "centralized"]
                   maxepisodes: 1000
            maxstepsperepisode: 1000
                   stoponerror: "on"
    scoreaveragingwindowlength: 5
          stoptrainingcriteria: "averagereward"
             stoptrainingvalue: 480
             saveagentcriteria: "none"
                saveagentvalue: "none"
            saveagentdirectory: "savedagents"
                       verbose: 1
                         plots: "training-progress"

alternatively, create a default options set and use dot notation to change some of the values.

trainopts = rlmultiagenttrainingoptions;
trainopts.agentgroups = {[1,2],3,[4,5]};
trainopts.learningstrategy = ["centralized","decentralized","centralized"];
trainopts.maxepisodes = 1000;
trainopts.maxstepsperepisode = 1000;
trainopts.stoptrainingcriteria = "averagereward";
trainopts.stoptrainingvalue = 480;
trainopts.verbose = true;
trainopts.plots = "training-progress";
trainopts = 
  rlmultiagenttrainingoptions with properties:
                   agentgroups: {[1 2]  [3]  [4 5]}
              learningstrategy: ["centralized"    "decentralized"    "centralized"]
                   maxepisodes: 1000
            maxstepsperepisode: 1000
                   stoponerror: "on"
    scoreaveragingwindowlength: 5
          stoptrainingcriteria: "averagereward"
             stoptrainingvalue: 480
             saveagentcriteria: "none"
                saveagentvalue: "none"
            saveagentdirectory: "savedagents"
                       verbose: 1
                         plots: "training-progress"

you can now use trainopts as an input argument to the train command.

create an options object for concurrently training three agents in the same environment.

set the maximum number of episodes and the maximum steps per episode to 1000. configure the options to stop training the first agent when its average reward over 5 episodes equals or exceeds 400, the second agent when its average reward over 10 episodes equals or exceeds 500, and the third when its average reward over 15 episodes equals or exceeds 600. the order of agents is the one used during environment creation.

save the agents when the reward for the first agent in the current episode exceeds 100, or when the reward for the second agent exceeds 120, the reward for the third agent equals or exceeds 140.

turn on both the command-line display and reinforcement learning episode manager for displaying training results. you can set the options using name-value pair arguments when you create the options set. any options that you do not explicitly set have their default values.

trainopts = rlmultiagenttrainingoptions(...
    scoreaveragingwindowlength=[5 10 15],...
    stoptrainingvalue=[400 500 600],...
    saveagentvalue=[100 120 140],...
trainopts = 
  rlmultiagenttrainingoptions with properties:
                   agentgroups: "auto"
              learningstrategy: "decentralized"
                   maxepisodes: 1000
            maxstepsperepisode: 1000
                   stoponerror: "on"
    scoreaveragingwindowlength: [5 10 15]
          stoptrainingcriteria: "averagereward"
             stoptrainingvalue: [400 500 600]
             saveagentcriteria: "episodereward"
                saveagentvalue: [100 120 140]
            saveagentdirectory: "savedagents"
                       verbose: 1
                         plots: "training-progress"

alternatively, create a default options set and use dot notation to change some of the values.

trainopts = rlmultiagenttrainingoptions;
trainopts.maxepisodes = 1000;
trainopts.maxstepsperepisode = 1000;
trainopts.scoreaveragingwindowlength = [5 10 15];
trainopts.stoptrainingcriteria = "averagereward";
trainopts.stoptrainingvalue = [400 500 600];
trainopts.saveagentcriteria = "episodereward";
trainopts.saveagentvalue = [100 120 140];
trainopts.verbose = true;
trainopts.plots = "training-progress";
trainopts = 
  rlmultiagenttrainingoptions with properties:
                   agentgroups: "auto"
              learningstrategy: "decentralized"
                   maxepisodes: 1000
            maxstepsperepisode: 1000
                   stoponerror: "on"
    scoreaveragingwindowlength: [5 10 15]
          stoptrainingcriteria: "averagereward"
             stoptrainingvalue: [400 500 600]
             saveagentcriteria: "episodereward"
                saveagentvalue: [100 120 140]
            saveagentdirectory: "savedagents"
                       verbose: 1
                         plots: "training-progress"

you can specify a scalar to apply the same criterion to all agents. for example, use a window length of 10 for all three agents.

trainopts.scoreaveragingwindowlength = 10
trainopts = 
  rlmultiagenttrainingoptions with properties:
                   agentgroups: "auto"
              learningstrategy: "decentralized"
                   maxepisodes: 1000
            maxstepsperepisode: 1000
                   stoponerror: "on"
    scoreaveragingwindowlength: 10
          stoptrainingcriteria: "averagereward"
             stoptrainingvalue: [400 500 600]
             saveagentcriteria: "episodereward"
                saveagentvalue: [100 120 140]
            saveagentdirectory: "savedagents"
                       verbose: 1
                         plots: "training-progress"

you can now use trainopts as an input argument to the train command.

version history

introduced in r2022a
