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visualize messages in ros bag file -凯发k8网页登录

visualize messages in ros bag file

since r2023a


the ros bag viewer app enables you to visualize messages in a ros bag file. you can create multiple viewers within the app and visualize different ros messages simultaneously.

you can open the following viewers using the app, which support the given message types in the table.

types of viewer

image viewer

image viewer in ros bag viewer app

  1. load a ros bag file containing sensor_msgs/image or sensor_msgs/compressedimage message type.

  2. select image viewer image viewer icon from the toolstrip and choose the data source from the drop down to visualize the image.

  3. you can zoom in and out, and pan the image in all directions.

point cloud viewer

point cloud viewer in ros bag viewer app

  1. load a ros bag file containing sensor_msgs/pointcloud2 message type.

  2. select point cloud viewer point cloud viewer icon from the toolstrip and choose the data source from the drop down to visualize the point cloud message.

  3. you can zoom in and out, pan, and rotate the message in 3d.

laser scan viewer

laser scan viewer of the ros bag viewer app

  1. load a ros bag file containing sensor_msgs/laserscan message type.

  2. select laser scan viewer laser scan viewer icon from the toolstrip and choose the data source from the drop down to visualize the laser scan message.

  3. you can zoom in and out, pan, and rotate the message 3d.

odometry viewer

odometry viewer of the ros bag viewer app

  1. load a ros bag file containing nav_msgs/odometry message type.

  2. select odometry viewer odometry viewer icon from the toolstrip and choose the data source from the drop down to visualize the odometry message.

  3. the indicator displays the instantaneous location of the robot in the trajectory.

  4. you can zoom in and out, and pan in all directions.

xy plot viewer

xy plot viewer of ros bag viewer app

  1. load a ros bag file containing geometry_msgs/point or nav_msgs/odometry message type.

  2. select xy plot viewer xy plot viewer icon from the toolstrip and choose the data source from the drop down to visualize how the numeric message field changes across the xy axes.

  3. the indicator displays the instantaneous location of the robot across the xy axes.

  4. you can zoom in and out, and pan in all directions.

time plot viewer

  1. load a ros bag file containing geometry_msgs/point or nav_msgs/odometry message type.

  2. select time plot viewer time plot icon from the toolstrip and choose the data source from the drop down to visualize how the numeric message field changes with respect to time.

  3. the indicator displays the instantaneous location of the robot.

  4. you can zoom in and out, and pan in all directions.

message viewer

message viewer of the ros bag viewer app

  1. load a ros bag file containing any message type.

  2. select message viewer message viewer icon from the toolstrip and choose the data source from the drop down to visualize the raw message stored in the rosbag.

for each viewer, you can filter the supported messages in the bag file for visualization. you can fast forward, and rewind based on the message timestamp or elapsed time while playing the bag file. you can also pause, and play the bag frame-by-frame. the app also displays information about the bag file contents after loading the bag file. you can also save a snapshot of the visualization window at any particular instance of time.

open the ros bag viewer app

  • matlab® toolstrip: on the apps tab, under robotics and autonomous systems, click the app icon ros bag viewer app icon.

  • matlab command prompt: enter rosbagviewer.

programmatic use

rosbagviewer opens the ros bag viewer app, which enables you to visualize messages in a ros bag file.

version history

introduced in r2023a

see also

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