reporting on docblock blocks -凯发k8网页登录
this example shows how to include the contents of simulink docblock blocks in a microsoft® word report generated by the report api. the example model, slreportgen_demo_docblock
, contains only docblock blocks, with one block for each kind of docblock document type:
in the generated report, the contents of the docblock blocks look like this:
import the api packages so that you can refer to api classes by their unqualified names, that is, without the names of the class packages in which they reside.
import* import* import slreportgen.finder.* import mlreportgen.dom.*
load the model for this example.
model = 'slreportgen_demo_docblock';
create a container to hold the report content. to avoid a compilation error due to the model containing only virtual blocks, set the compilemodelbeforereporting
property of the report object to false
rpt ='modeldoc', 'docx'); rpt.compilemodelbeforereporting = false;
add a title page and table of contents.
add(rpt,titlepage('title',sprintf('%s model documentation',model))); add(rpt,tableofcontents);
find and loop through all the systems in the model.
finder = systemdiagramfinder(model);
for system = find(finder)
create a chapter for each system. include the system name in the chapter title. use the chapter to report on the docblock content of the system.
ch = chapter('title',sprintf('system %s',;
find all the docblock blocks in the current system. each result returns the docblock reporter for the found docblock. the add
method invokes the docblock reporter.
docblockfinder = blockfinder(system); = {'masktype', 'docblock'}'; results = find(docblockfinder); if ~isempty(results) add(ch, results); else add(ch, "this system does not have documentation."); end add(rpt,ch) end
close and view the report.
close(rpt); close_system(model); rptview(rpt);
see also
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