system design description
predefined standard reports
from the simulink® toolstrip, you can generate two predefined, standard simulink report generator™ reports called:
system design description
system requirements traceability
the system design description report provides summary or detailed information about a system design represented by a model. you can choose report options using the report dialog, or you can create a customized version using the report explorer. for details, see generate system design description reports.
you can use the system design description report setup file as a starting point for creating a setup file for your own report. for more information, see .
the system requirements traceability report requires that you have requirements toolbox™ installed. the system requirements traceability report includes information about all the requirements associated with the model and its objects.
follow these steps to generate the system requirements traceability report from the simulink toolstrip:
if the requirements tab is not available, on the apps tab, in the model verification, validation, and test section, click requirements manager.
on the requirements tab, in the share section, click share > generate model traceability report.
what is the system design description?
the system design description is a prebuilt simulink report generator report that describes the system design represented by a simulink model.
by default, the simulink report generator generates the report for the model from which you invoke the system design description report option.
what you can do with the report
you can use the system design description to
review a system design without having the model open
generate summary and detailed descriptions of the design
assess compliance with design requirements
archive the system design in a format independent of the modeling environment
build a customized version of the report, using the report explorer
report contents
you can specify what kinds of information to include in the report, in terms of:
what elements of a model to include in the report (for example, whether to include subsystems from custom libraries)
whether to generate a summary version or a detailed version of the system design description report.
for details, see generate system design description reports.
summary version
section | information |
report overview | model version |
root system |
subsystems |
system design variables |
detailed version
the detailed version of the report includes all the information that is in the summary form of the report, as well as more information about the system components. the atomic subsystem information is more detailed than virtual subsystem information.
section | information |
report overview | model version |
root system |
subsystems | the same type of information as the information for the root system, as well as:
state charts |
report captures documentation included in a model
the system design description reports documentation included in a model, including:
the model description (from the model properties)
the block property
docblock model documentation blocks
to enrich the generated system design description, add corresponding information in the model.