system composer report generation for system architectures -凯发k8网页登录
this example shows the different parts of a report generation script for a system composer™ architecture model and its artifacts.
import the relevant packages.
import* import* import slreportgen.finder.* import mlreportgen.dom.* import mlreportgen.utils.* import systemcomposer.query.* import systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.*
initialize the report.
% for pdf: rpt ='outputpath','systemmodel' ".pdf",'compilemodelbeforereporting',false); % for html: rpt ='type','html-file','outputpath','systemmodel','compilemodelbeforereporting',false); rpt ='outputpath','systemmodel' ".pdf",'compilemodelbeforereporting',false);
load the model and reference model.
systemcomposer.loadmodel('mtest'); model = systemcomposer.loadmodel("mtestmodel");
append the title page and the table of contents.
add(rpt,titlepage("title",sprintf('%s',; add(rpt,tableofcontents);
add sections and paragraphs to add textual information to the report.
introduction = chapter("title","introduction"); sec1_1 = section('title',"purpose"); p1 = paragraph(['this document provides a comprehensive architectural ...' ... 'overview of the system using a number of different architecture views...' ... ' to depict different aspects of the system. it is intended to capture...' ... ' and convey the significant architectural decisions which have been...' ... ' made for the system.']); append(sec1_1, p1); sec1_2 = section("scope"); p2 = paragraph(['this system architecture description provides an architectural...' ... ' overview of the mobile robot system being designed and developed by the...' ... ' acme corporation. the document was generated directly from the mobile...' ... ' robot models implemented in matlab, simulink and system composer.']); append(sec1_2, p2); append(introduction, sec1_1); append(introduction, sec1_2);
architectural elements
create a new chapter to represent architectural elements.
architecturalelements = chapter("architecture description");
use the simulink® (simulink report generator) finder to add a snapshot of the model to the report.
systemcontext = section(; finder = systemdiagramfinder(; finder.searchdepth = 0; results = find(finder); append(systemcontext,results); append(architecturalelements,systemcontext);
use the finder to report on components in the model.
cf = componentfinder(; cf.query = anycomponent(); comp_finder = find(cf); for comp = comp_finder componentsection = section("title",;
create a list of components allocated from or to a particular component using the finder.
d = allocationlistfinder("allocationset.mldatx"); compobject = lookup(model,'uuid',comp.object); d.componentname = getfullname(compobject.simulinkhandle); result = find(d); append(componentsection,comp);
append the component information to the report.
append the allocation information to the report.
append(systemcontext, result);
allocation sets
create a chapter to report on the allocation sets associated with the model.
find all allocation sets using the finder.
allocation_finder = allocationsetfinder("allocationset.mldatx"); allocationchapter = chapter("allocations"); while hasnext(allocation_finder) alloc = next(allocation_finder); allocationname = section(; append(allocationname, alloc); append(allocationchapter, allocationname); end
architecture views
create a chapter to display information about the architecture views in the model.
find all the views using the finder.
viewchapter = chapter("architecture views"); view_finder = viewfinder(; while(hasnext(view_finder)) v = next(view_finder); viewname = section('title',; append(viewname, v); append(viewchapter, viewname); end
dependency graph
create a chapter to display the dependency graph image using the reporter.
packaging = chapter("packaging"); packaging = section('title','packaging'); graph ="source",[ '.slx']); append(packaging, graph); append(packaging, packaging);
requirements analysis
report on all the requirement sets and requirement link sets associated with the model.
reqchapter = chapter("requirements analysis");
requirement sets
collect the requirement sets using the finder.
requirementsetsection = section("requirement sets"); reqfinder1 = requirementsetfinder("testrequirement.slreqx"); result = find(reqfinder1); pp = paragraph("this requirement set describes the system requirements for the mobile robot that are derived from the stakeholder needs to be documented."); append(requirementsetsection,pp); append(requirementsetsection,result.getreporter);
requirement link sets
collect the requirement link sets using the finder.
requirementlinksection = section("requirement link sets"); reqlinkfinder = requirementlinkfinder("testrequirement.slmx"); resultl = find(reqlinkfinder); rptr ="source",resultl); append(requirementlinksection,rptr); append(reqchapter,requirementsetsection); append(reqchapter,requirementlinksection);
create a chapter to report on all the interfaces in the model.
check if any dictionaries are linked within the model using the finder.
df = dictionaryfinder(; dictionary = find(df);
no dictionaries present in the model
boolhasnodictionary = isempty(dictionary)
boolhasnodictionary = logical
since boolhasnodictionary
is true
, create a separate chapter for interfaces to report on all the interfaces associated with the model using the finder.
if boolhasnodictionary interfacechapter = chapter("interfaces appendix"); interfacefinder = interfacefinder(; interfacefinder.searchin = "model"; while hasnext(interfacefinder) intf = next(interfacefinder); interfacename = section(intf.interfacename); append(interfacename,intf); append(interfacechapter,interfacename); end end
create a chapter to report on all the profiles in the model.
find all the profiles using the finder.
profilechapter = chapter("profiles appendix"); pf = profilefinder("testprofile.xml"); while hasnext(pf) intf = next(pf); profilename = section(; append(profilename,intf); append(profilechapter,profilename); end
create a section to report on all the stereotypes in the profiles in the model.
find all the stereotypes using the finder.
stereotypesection = section("stereotypes"); sf = stereotypefinder("testprofile.xml"); while hasnext(sf) stf = next(sf); stereotypename = section(; append(stereotypename,stf); append(stereotypesection,stereotypename); end append(profilechapter, stereotypesection);
final report
add all the chapters to the report in the desired order.
append(rpt,introduction); append(rpt,architecturalelements); append(rpt,viewchapter); append(rpt,packaging); append(rpt,allocationchapter); append(rpt,reqchapter); append(rpt,interfacechapter); append(rpt,profilechapter); rptview(rpt)