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信号平滑处理 -凯发k8网页登录

此示例说明如何使用移动平均滤波器和重采样来隔离一天中时间的周期性分量对每小时温度读数的影响,以及如何去除开环电压测量中不需要的电线噪声。该示例还说明如何通过使用中位数滤波器对时钟信号的水平进行平滑处理,同时保留边沿。该示例还说明如何使用 hampel 滤波器去除大的离群值。



有时,当您检查输入数据时,您可能希望平滑处理数据以便看到信号的趋势。在我们的示例中,我们有一组 2011 年 1 月在波士顿洛根机场每小时的摄氏温度读数。

load bostemp
days = (1:31*24)/24;
plot(days, tempc)
axis tight
ylabel('temp (\circc)')
xlabel('time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days)')
title('logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa)')

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa), xlabel time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days), ylabel temp ( degree c ) contains an object of type line.



移动平均滤波器的最简单形式是其长度为 n 并且取波形的每 n 个连续采样的平均值。

为了对每个数据点应用移动平均滤波器,我们构造滤波器的系数,使得每个点的权重相等且占比为总均值的 1/24。这样我们可以得出每 24 小时的平均温度。

hoursperday = 24;
coeff24hma = ones(1, hoursperday)/hoursperday;
avg24htempc = filter(coeff24hma, 1, tempc);
plot(days,[tempc avg24htempc])
legend('hourly temp','24 hour average (delayed)','location','best')
ylabel('temp (\circc)')
xlabel('time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days)')
title('logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa)')

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa), xlabel time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days), ylabel temp ( degree c ) contains 2 objects of type line. these objects represent hourly temp, 24 hour average (delayed).


请注意,滤波后的输出存在大约 12 个小时的延迟。这是因为我们的移动平均滤波器有延迟。

长度为 n 的任何对称滤波器都存在 (n-1)/2 个采样的延迟。我们可以人为去除这种延迟。

fdelay = (length(coeff24hma)-1)/2;
plot(days,tempc, ...
axis tight
legend('hourly temp','24 hour average','location','best')
ylabel('temp (\circc)')
xlabel('time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days)')
title('logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa)')

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa), xlabel time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days), ylabel temp ( degree c ) contains 2 objects of type line. these objects represent hourly temp, 24 hour average.


我们也可以使用移动平均滤波器来更好地估计一天中的时间如何影响整体温度。为此,首先从每小时的温度测量值中减去平滑处理后的数据。然后,将差异数据按天数分割,取月中所有 31 天的平均值。

deltatempc = tempc - avg24htempc;
deltatempc = reshape(deltatempc, 24, 31).';
plot(1:24, mean(deltatempc))
axis tight
title('mean temperature differential from 24 hour average')
xlabel('hour of day (since midnight)')
ylabel('temperature difference (\circc)')

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title mean temperature differential from 24 hour average, xlabel hour of day (since midnight), ylabel temperature difference ( degree c ) contains an object of type line.


温度信号的高低每天都有变化,有时我们也希望对这种变化有平滑变动的估计。为此,我们可以使用 envelope 函数来连接在 24 小时内的某个时段检测到的极端高点和极端低点。在此示例中,我们确保在每个极端高点和极端低点之间有至少 16 个小时。我们还可以通过取两个极端点之间的平均值来了解高点和低点的趋势。

[envhigh, envlow] = envelope(tempc,16,'peak');
envmean = (envhigh envlow)/2;
plot(days,tempc, ...
     days,envhigh, ...
     days,envmean, ...
axis tight
legend('hourly temp','high','mean','low','location','best')
ylabel('temp (\circc)')
xlabel('time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days)')
title('logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa)')

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa), xlabel time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days), ylabel temp ( degree c ) contains 4 objects of type line. these objects represent hourly temp, high, mean, low.



另一种常见滤波器遵循 [1/2,1/2]n 的二项式展开。对于大的 n 值,这种类型的滤波器逼近正态曲线。对于小的 n 值,这种滤波器适合滤除高频噪声。要找到二项式滤波器的系数,请对 [1/2,1/2] 进行自身卷积,然后用 [1/2,1/2] 与输出以迭代方式进行指定次数的卷积。在此示例中,总共使用五次迭代。

h = [1/2 1/2];
binomialcoeff = conv(h,h);
for n = 1:4
    binomialcoeff = conv(binomialcoeff,h);
fdelay = (length(binomialcoeff)-1)/2;
binomialma = filter(binomialcoeff, 1, tempc);
plot(days,tempc, ...
axis tight
legend('hourly temp','binomial weighted average','location','best')
ylabel('temp (\circc)')
xlabel('time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days)')
title('logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa)')

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa), xlabel time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days), ylabel temp ( degree c ) contains 2 objects of type line. these objects represent hourly temp, binomial weighted average.


您可以通过介于 0 和 1 之间的 alpha 参数来调整指数加权移动平均滤波器。alpha 值越高,平滑度越低。

alpha = 0.45;
exponentialma = filter(alpha, [1 alpha-1], tempc);
plot(days,tempc, ...
     days-fdelay/24,binomialma, ...
axis tight
legend('hourly temp', ...
       'binomial weighted average', ...
       'exponential weighted average','location','best')
ylabel('temp (\circc)')
xlabel('time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days)')
title('logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa)')

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa), xlabel time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days), ylabel temp ( degree c ) contains 3 objects of type line. these objects represent hourly temp, binomial weighted average, exponential weighted average.


axis([3 4 -5 2])

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa), xlabel time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days), ylabel temp ( degree c ) contains 3 objects of type line. these objects represent hourly temp, binomial weighted average, exponential weighted average.

savitzky-golay 滤波器



为了方便起见,您可以使用函数 sgolayfilt 来实现 savitzky-golay 平滑滤波器。要使用 sgolayfilt,请指定一个奇数长度段的数据和严格小于该段长度的多项式阶。sgolayfilt 函数在内部计算平滑多项式系数,执行延迟对齐,并处理数据记录开始和结束位置的瞬变效应。

cubicma   = sgolayfilt(tempc, 3, 7);
quarticma = sgolayfilt(tempc, 4, 7);
quinticma = sgolayfilt(tempc, 5, 9);
plot(days,[tempc cubicma quarticma quinticma])
legend('hourly temp','cubic-weighted ma', 'quartic-weighted ma', ...
       'quintic-weighted ma','location','southeast')
ylabel('temp (\circc)')
xlabel('time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days)')
title('logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa)')
axis([3 5 -5 2])

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title logan airport dry bulb temperature (source: noaa), xlabel time elapsed from jan 1, 2011 (days), ylabel temp ( degree c ) contains 4 objects of type line. these objects represent hourly temp, cubic-weighted ma, quartic-weighted ma, quintic-weighted ma.



在下一个示例中,我们对某模拟仪器输入端的开环电压进行采样,其中存在 60 hz 交流电源线噪声的干扰。我们以 1 khz 采样率对电压进行了采样。

load openloop60hertz
fs = 1000;
t = (0:numel(openloopvoltage)-1) / fs;
ylabel('voltage (v)')
xlabel('time (s)')
title('open-loop voltage measurement')

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title open-loop voltage measurement, xlabel time (s), ylabel voltage (v) contains an object of type line.



以 1000 hz 采样时,在 60 hz 的完整周期内,大约有 1000 / 60 = 16.667 个采样。我们尝试“向上舍入”并使用一个 17 点滤波器。这将在 1000 hz / 17 = 58.82 hz 的基频下为我们提供最大滤波效果。

ylabel('voltage (v)')
xlabel('time (s)')
title('open-loop voltage measurement')
legend('moving average filter operating at 58.82 hz', ...

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title open-loop voltage measurement, xlabel time (s), ylabel voltage (v) contains an object of type line. this object represents moving average filter operating at 58.82 hz.

请注意,虽然电压明显经过平滑处理,但它仍然包含小的 60 hz 波纹。

如果我们对信号进行重采样,以便通过移动平均滤波器捕获 60 hz 信号的完整周期,就可以显著减弱该波纹。

如果我们以 17 * 60 hz = 1020 hz 对信号进行重采样,可以使用 17 点移动平均滤波器来去除 60 hz 的电线噪声。

fsresamp = 1020;
vresamp = resample(openloopvoltage, fsresamp, fs);
tresamp = (0:numel(vresamp)-1) / fsresamp;
vavgresamp = sgolayfilt(vresamp,1,17);
ylabel('voltage (v)')
xlabel('time (s)')
title('open-loop voltage measurement')
legend('moving average filter operating at 60 hz', ...

figure contains an axes object. the axes object with title open-loop voltage measurement, xlabel time (s), ylabel voltage (v) contains an object of type line. this object represents moving average filter operating at 60 hz.


移动平均滤波器、加权移动平均滤波器和 savitzky-golay 滤波器对它们滤波的所有数据进行平滑处理。然而,有时我们并不需要这种处理。例如,如果我们的数据取自时钟信号并且不希望对其中的锐边进行平滑处理,该怎么办?到当前为止讨论的滤波器都不太适用:

load clockex
ymovingaverage = conv(x,ones(5,1)/5,'same');
ysavitzkygolay = sgolayfilt(x,3,5);
plot(t,x, ...
     t,ymovingaverage, ...
legend('original signal','moving average','savitzky-golay')

figure contains an axes object. the axes object contains 3 objects of type line. these objects represent original signal, moving average, savitzky-golay.

移动平均滤波器和 savitzky-golay 滤波器分别在时钟信号的边沿附近进行欠校正和过校正。


ymedfilt = medfilt1(x,5,'truncate');
plot(t,x, ...
legend('original signal','median filter')

figure contains an axes object. the axes object contains 2 objects of type line. these objects represent original signal, median filter.

通过 hampel 滤波器去除离群值

许多滤波器对离群值很敏感。与中位数滤波器密切相关的一种滤波器是 hampel 滤波器。此滤波器有助于在不过度平滑处理数据的情况下去除信号中的离群值。


load train
y(1:400:end) = 2.1;

figure contains an axes object. the axes object contains an object of type line.


hold on
hold off
legend('original signal','filtered signal')

figure contains an axes object. the axes object contains 2 objects of type line. these objects represent original signal, filtered signal.

该滤波器去除了尖峰,但同时去除了原始信号的大量数据点。hampel 滤波器的工作原理类似于中位数滤波器,但它仅替换与局部中位数值相差几倍标准差的值。


figure contains an axes object. the axes object contains 3 objects of type line. one or more of the lines displays its values using only markers these objects represent original signal, filtered signal, outliers.



有关滤波和重采样的详细信息,请参阅 signal processing toolbox。

参考资料:kendall, maurice g., alan stuart, and j. keith ord.the advanced theory of statistics, vol. 3:design and analysis, and time-series.4th ed. london:macmillan, 1983.


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