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802.11 mac frame generation -凯发k8网页登录

this example shows how to generate ieee® 802.11™ mac frames.


this example shows how to generate wlan mac frames, specified in section 9 of [1] and [2], and export these frames to a packet capture (pcap) file for analysis with third-party packet analysis tools.

the general mac frame format consists of a header, frame-body, and frame check sequence (fcs). the header holds information about the frame. the frame-body carries data that needs to be transmitted. the transmitter calculates the fcs over the header and frame-body. the receiver uses the fcs to confirm that the header and frame-body are properly formed. this diagram shows the structure of a general mac frame.

for more information, see the topic.

you can use the function to generate mac frames. this function accepts a mac frame configuration object as an input. this object configures the fields in the mac header. set the frametype property to the desired subtype description in table 9-1 of [1] to set the appropriate type and subtype fields in the mac header. the function supports the generation of these mpdus.

  • management frames: beacon

  • data frames: data, null, qos data, qos null

  • control frames: rts, cts, ack, block ack

in addition to these mpdus, also supports generation of a-mpdus containing mpdus of type qos data.

control frame generation

to generate an rts frame, create a mac frame configuration object with the frametype set to 'rts'.

rtscfg = wlanmacframeconfig('frametype', 'rts');
  wlanmacframeconfig with properties:
          frametype: 'rts'
    powermanagement: 0
           moredata: 0
           duration: 0
           address1: 'ffffffffffff'
           address2: '00123456789b'
   read-only properties:
            decoded: 0

configure the frame header fields.

% duration
rtscfg.duration = 500;
% receiver address
rtscfg.address1 = 'fcf8b0102001';
% transmitter address
rtscfg.address2 = 'fcf8b0102002';

generate an rts frame using the configuration.

% generate octets for an rts frame
rtsframe = wlanmacframe(rtscfg);

by default, the output of is a sequence of hexadecimal octets. if you want to generate the mac frame as a sequence of bits, set the outputformat parameter to bits.

% generate bits for an rts frame
rtsframebits = wlanmacframe(rtscfg, 'outputformat', 'bits');

data frame generation

to generate a qos data frame, create a mac frame configuration object with the frametype set to 'qos data'.

qosdatacfg = wlanmacframeconfig('frametype', 'qos data');
  wlanmacframeconfig with properties:
          frametype: 'qos data'
        frameformat: 'non-ht'
               tods: 0
             fromds: 1
     retransmission: 0
    powermanagement: 0
           moredata: 0
           duration: 0
           address1: 'ffffffffffff'
           address2: '00123456789b'
           address3: '00123456789b'
     sequencenumber: 0
                tid: 0
          ackpolicy: 'no ack'
    msduaggregation: 0
               eosp: 0
        ismeshframe: 0
   read-only properties:
            decoded: 0

configure the frame header fields.

% from ds flag
qosdatacfg.fromds = 1;
% to ds flag
qosdatacfg.tods = 0;
% acknowledgment policy
qosdatacfg.ackpolicy = 'normal ack';
% receiver address
qosdatacfg.address1 = 'fcf8b0102001';
% transmitter address
qosdatacfg.address2 = 'fcf8b0102002';

the qos data frame is used to transmit a payload from higher-layer. a 20-byte payload containing a repeating sequence of hexadecimal value '11' is used in this example.

payload = repmat('11', 1, 20);

generate a qos data frame using payload and configuration.

% generate octets for a qos data frame
qosdataframe = wlanmacframe(payload, qosdatacfg);

by default, the output of is a sequence of hexadecimal octets. if you want to generate the mac frame as a sequence of bits, set the outputformat parameter to bits.

% generate bits for a qos data frame
qosdataframebits = wlanmacframe(payload, qosdatacfg, 'outputformat', 'bits');

the output mac frame is an mpdu with a single msdu. for more information about a-msdu and a-mpdu generation, see 802.11ac waveform generation with mac frames.

management frame generation

to generate a beacon frame, create a mac frame configuration object with the frametype set to 'beacon'.

beaconcfg = wlanmacframeconfig('frametype', 'beacon');
  wlanmacframeconfig with properties:
           frametype: 'beacon'
                tods: 0
              fromds: 1
      retransmission: 0
     powermanagement: 0
            moredata: 0
            duration: 0
            address1: 'ffffffffffff'
            address2: '00123456789b'
            address3: '00123456789b'
      sequencenumber: 0
    managementconfig: [1x1 wlanmacmanagementconfig]
   read-only properties:
             decoded: 0

beacon frame-body consists of information fields and information elements as explained in section of [1]. you can configure these information fields and elements using .

% create a management frame-body configuration object
framebodycfg = wlanmacmanagementconfig;
  wlanmacmanagementconfig with properties:
                   frametype: 'beacon'
                   timestamp: 0
              beaconinterval: 100
               esscapability: 1
              ibsscapability: 0
                     privacy: 0
               shortpreamble: 0
          spectrummanagement: 0
                  qossupport: 1
           shortslottimeused: 0
                 apsdsupport: 0
            radiomeasurement: 0
      delayedblockacksupport: 0
    immediateblockacksupport: 0
                        ssid: 'default ssid'
                  basicrates: {'6 mbps'  '12 mbps'  '24 mbps'}
             additionalrates: {}
   read-only properties:
         informationelements: {511x2 cell}

configure the information fields and elements in the frame-body configuration. you can add information elements using addie(elementid, information) method as shown below. section 9.4 in [1] lists the information fields and information elements.

% beacon interval
framebodycfg.beaconinterval = 100;
% timestamp
framebodycfg.timestamp = 123456;
% ssid
framebodycfg.ssid = 'test_beacon';
% add ds parameter ie (element id - 3) with channel number 11 (0x0b)
framebodycfg = framebodycfg.addie(3, '0b');

assign the updated frame-body configuration object to the managementconfig property in the mac frame configuration.

% update management frame-body configuration
beaconcfg.managementconfig = framebodycfg;

generate the beacon frame with the updated frame configuration.

% generate octets for a beacon frame
beaconframe = wlanmacframe(beaconcfg);

by default, the output of is a sequence of hexadecimal octets. if you want to generate the mac frame as a sequence of bits, set the outputformat parameter to bits.

% generate bits for a beacon frame
beaconframebits = wlanmacframe(beaconcfg, 'outputformat', 'bits');

export wlan mac frames to pcap or pcapng file

the packet capture (pcap) or packet capture next generation (pcapng) file (.pcap or .pcapng, respectively) is a widely used packet capture file format to perform packet analysis.

to capture the packet characteristics, export the generated mac frames to a pcap or pcapng file by using the object. you can visualize and analyze the pcap or pcapng file by using a third-party packet analyzer tool such as wireshark.

specify the name and extension of the pcap file. to export the mac frames to a pcapng file, set the file extension to 'pcapng'.

filename = 'macframes';
fileextension = 'pcap';

if a file with the filename name already exists in the current directory, delete the existing file.

if isfile(strcat(filename, '.', fileextension))
    delete(strcat(filename, '.', fileextension));

set the packet arrival time in posix® microseconds.

timestamp = 124800;

create a wlan pcap file writer object with the specified file name and extension by using the object.

pcap = wlanpcapwriter('filename', filename, 'fileextension', fileextension);

specify the mac frames to be exported to the pcap file.

frames = {rtsframe, qosdataframe, beaconframe};

write the mac frames to the pcap file.

for idx = 1:numel(frames)
    write(pcap, frames{idx}, timestamp);

delete the pcap file writer object.


visualization of the generated mac frames

you can open the pcap files containing the generated mac frames in a packet analyzer. the frames decoded by wireshark match the standard compliant mac frames generated using the wlan toolbox. this figure shows the analysis of the captured mac frames in wireshark.

  • rts frame

  • qos data frame

  • beacon frame

conclusion and further exploration

this example shows how to generate mac frames for the ieee 802.11 standard. you can use a packet analyzer to view the generated mac frames. to transmit the generated mac frames over the air, see 802.11 ofdm beacon frame generation and 802.11ac waveform generation with mac frames.


[1] ieee std 802.11™-2020 (revision of ieee std 802.11-2016). “part 11: wireless lan medium access control (mac) and physical layer (phy) specifications.” ieee standard for information technology — telecommunications and information exchange between systems — local and metropolitan area networks — specific requirements.

[2] ieee® std 802.11ax™-2021 (amendment to ieee std 802.11-2020). “part 11: wireless lan medium access control (mac) and physical layer (phy) specifications. amendment 1: enhancements for high efficiency wlan.” ieee standard for information technology — telecommunications and information exchange between systems. local and metropolitan area networks — specific requirements.

[3] wireshark · go deep. . accessed 30 june 2020

[4] group, the tcpdump. tcpdump/libpcap public repository. . accessed 30 june 2020

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