recover and analyze packets in 802.11 waveform -凯发k8网页登录
this example blindly detects, decodes, and analyzes multiple ieee 802.11a™, ieee 802.11n™, ieee 802.11ac™, and ieee 802.11ax™ packets in a waveform. the example provides a summary of the detected packets and displays the mac contents, error vector magnitude (evm), power, and signaling information for a selected packet.
in this example, you detect, decode, and analyze multiple packets within a waveform. this example can decode ofdm non-ht, non-ht duplicate, ht, vht [ 1 ], he mu, he su, and he er su [ 2 ] packet formats. the receiver does not know any transmission parameters, except for the channel bandwidth. it retrieves these parameters by decoding the preamble fields of the packet.
the spectrum and time domain samples.
the signaling field contents.
the resource unit and user information for an he waveform.
the constellation of the equalized data symbols.
the evm of the signaling fields.
the evm per data subcarrier averaged over spatial streams and symbols.
the evm per data symbol averaged over spatial streams and subcarriers.
the spectral flatness for non-ofdma packets.
the mac frame contents: a-mpdu deaggregation status, address1, address2, frame check sequence (fcs) and frame type.
setup waveform recovery parameters
this example analyzes i/q data containing non-ht, ht-mf, vht, and he packets. the usesdr
variable controls the data source for this example:
when you select
, an sdr captures an off-the-air waveform.when you clear
, reads a synthetic waveform stored in a binary file format.
usesdr =
reception with an sdr device
this example uses sdrs supported by wireless testbench™ and sdrs supported by communication toolbox™ support packages. this list provides information on which radios can be used by this example along with the required products.
usrp™ n310/n320/n321/x310/x410 (requires wireless testbench™ and wireless testbnech support package for ni™ usrp radios)
adalm-pluto (requires communications toolbox support package for analog devices® adalm-pluto radio)
usrp™ e310/e312 (requires communications toolbox support package for usrp™ embedded series radio)
ad9361/fmcomms2/3/4/5 (requires communications toolbox support package for xilinx® zynq®-based radio)
usrp™ n200/n210/usrp2/b200/b210/x300 (requires communications toolbox support package for usrp™ radio)
see the relevant documentation for the chosen product and sdr on set up and installation.
select sdr device and capture antenna(s)
when you select an sdr as the data source, specify the device name from the dropdown along with the capture antenna configuration.
if using an ni usrp hardware with wireless testbench, click update to see your saved radio setup configuration name appear at the top of the dropdown list.
if usesdr %#ok<*unrch> deviceoptions = getdeviceoptions; devicename =deviceoptions(1)
; antennaoptions = getantennaoptions(devicename); antennaselection =
antennaoptions(1); end
specify capture parameters and initiate capture
after configuring devicename
and antennaselection
, specify the frequency band, channel number, capture duration, expected channel bandwidth of packets, radio sample rate, and radio gain.
to determine which channels in the 5 ghz band contain traffic from commercial 802.11 hardware, use the ofdm beacon receiver using software-defined radio example for communication toolbox support package radios or the example for wireless testbench radios.
if usesdr frequencyband =5; % frequency band channelnumber =
102; % wlan channel number capturetime =
milliseconds(100); % signal capture duration, to be specified as a duration type (e.g. seconds(1)) chanbw =
'cbw20'; % channel bandwidth of all packets within the waveform sr =
20000000; % radio sample rate gain =
50; % radio gain % set the center frequency to the corresponding channel number. the % center frequency should be centered on the channel bandwidth. fc = wlanchannelfrequency(channelnumber,frequencyband); % create sdr variable (if one does not exist already) and initiate waveform capture if ~exist('rx','var') rx = []; end rx = getsdrobject(devicename,antennaselection,fc,sr,gain,rx); rxwaveform = capture(rx,capturetime); end
import a captured waveform from a file
if using a precaptured waveform as the data source, this section shows how to load i/q data from an existing binary file using . the baseband file format includes the sample rate and the number of channels in the captured waveform. alternatively, you can load the waveform from a mat file.
% configure the analysis source if ~usesdr bbr = comm.basebandfilereader(''); % create a baseband file reader object chanbw = 'cbw20'; % channel bandwidth of all packets within the waveform bbrinfo = info(bbr); bbr.samplesperframe = bbrinfo.numsamplesindata; % number of samples in the waveform rxwaveform = bbr(); % load the i&q sample from a binary file sr = bbr.samplerate; % sampling rate of the input signal release(bbr); end
to recover beacon packets from a mat-file, see the ofdm beacon receiver using software-defined radio example.
signal recovery and analysis
this section detects, analyzes, and displays a summary of the detected packets. all packets in the waveform must have the specified channel bandwidth. parse and analyze the packets within a waveform by using the waveformanalyzer
analyzer = waveformanalyzer; process(analyzer,rxwaveform,chanbw,sr);
display a summary of the detected packets.
summary of the detected packets
detsummary=11×9 table
number format phy status power (dbm) cfo (hz) offset (samples) mac contents rms evm (db) max evm (db)
______ ________ __________ ___________ ________ ________________ ____________ ____________ ____________
1 "non-ht" "success" 12.7 61431 97 "beacon" -25.824 -17.272
2 "non-ht" "success" 13.08 -39757 2577 "rts" -24.937 -17.737
3 "non-ht" "success" 13.01 62250 4017 "cts" -26.181 -18.982
4 "he-mu" "success" 14.98 -39660 5297 "a-mpdu" -25.353 -12.353
5 "non-ht" "success" 13.04 -39437 18657 "block ack" -25.564 -17.118
6 "non-ht" "success" 13.07 -29899 20417 "rts" -25.082 -16.625
7 "non-ht" "success" 13.01 52489 21857 "cts" -26.118 -18.372
8 "vht" "success" 17.43 62290 23137 "a-mpdu" -20.9 -10.955
9 "non-ht" "success" 14.99 -38861 28337 "rts" -27.842 -20.114
10 "non-ht" "success" 14.94 42363 29777 "cts" -27.409 -19.042
11 "ht-mf" "success" 15.03 22238 31058 "a-mpdu" -26.55 -17.287
use the pktnum
variable to display the mac and phy analysis for a selected packet.
pktnum =4
display the mac information of the selected packet.
recovered mpdu summary of packet 4 ampdu/mpdu number staid address1 address2 ampdu/mpdu decode status mac frame type _________________ _____ ______________ ______________ ________________________ ______________ "ampdu1_mpdu1" 1 "1342abc2ff1f" "00123456789b" "success" "qos data" "ampdu2_mpdu1" 2 "23ffab1234ac" "00123456789b" "success" "qos data" "ampdu3_mpdu1" 3 "13ef35781356" "00123456789b" "success" "qos data" "ampdu4_mpdu1" 4 "159a123affff" "00123456789b" "success" "qos data"
display the time samples and spectrum of the detected packet.
display the packet field information of the selected packet.
field summary of packet 4 (he-mu) field name modulation num symbols parity check/crc power (dbm) rms evm (db) max evm (db) __________ __________ ___________ ________________ ___________ ____________ ____________ l-stf bpsk 2 14.59 l-ltf bpsk 2 14.61 l-sig bpsk 1 pass 14.96 -27.59 -22.62 rl-sig bpsk 1 pass 14.86 -27.14 -19.87 he-sig-a bpsk 2 pass 15.37 -26.14 -19.54 he-sig-b bpsk 5 pass 14.98 -27.56 -20.08 he-stf bpsk 1 14.95 he-ltf bpsk 2 15.01 data 35 14.99 -25.35 -12.35
display the signaling field information of the selected packet.
signaling field summary of packet 4 (he-mu) property value property value property value ________________ _____ ____________________ _____ ______________________ _____ l-sig length 467 bandwidth cbw20 num he-ltf symbols 2 l-sig rate 0xb num he-sig-b symbols 5 ldpc extra symbol true ul/dl indication dl sigb compression false stbc false sigb mcs 0 guard interval 3.2 pre-fec padding factor 1 sigb dcm false he-ltf type 4 pe disambiguity false bss color 0 doppler false spatial reuse 0 txop 127
display the ru information.
resource unit (ru) information of packet 4 (he-mu) ru number ru size subcarrier index (start) subcarrier index (end) num users num sts power (dbm) _________ _______ ________________________ ______________________ _________ _______ ___________ "ru1" 52 -121 -70 1 1 8.98 "ru2" 52 -68 -17 1 1 8.96 "ru3" 52 17 68 1 2 8.97 "ru4" 52 70 121 1 1 8.97
display the user information.
user information of packet 4 (he-mu) staid ru number mcs modulation code rate dcm channel coding num sts transmit beamforming _____ _________ ___ __________ _________ ___ ______________ _______ ____________________ 1 "ru1" 0 "bpsk" "1/2" 0 "ldpc" 1 0 2 "ru2" 2 "qpsk" "3/4" 0 "ldpc" 1 0 3 "ru3" 4 "16qam" "3/4" 0 "ldpc" 2 0 4 "ru4" 6 "64qam" "3/4" 0 "ldpc" 1 0
display evm per spatial streams for all users.
user evm per spatial stream of packet 4 (he-mu) staid spatial stream index rms evm (db) max evm (db) _____ ____________________ ____________ ____________ 1 1 -26.391 -17.295 2 1 -27.401 -19.682 3 1 -23.564 -12.353 3 2 -23.122 -14.444 4 1 -27.278 -17.793
plot the constellation for all users.
plot the evm.
plot the spectral flatness for non-ofdma packets.
further exploration
the waveformanalyzer
provides properties to control the pilot tracking, equalization, dc blocking, and packet detection algorithms that can be tweaked to improve packet detection and analysis performance.
false packet detections
false packet detections are detected packets that you do not believe are actual packets. evaluating the time domain waveform of the packet is one way to determine if the detected packet is legitimate. if there is a significant number of false detections present these techniques may help reduce them:
enable the
property and set theenergydetectionthreshold
property to a suitable value given the noise floor of the capture device. when enabled,energydetection
only detects packets with a power exceedingenergydetectionthreshold
during the preamble.increase the
properties to discard packets with a low measured snr during detection.
missed packet detections
missed packet detections are packets that you believe are in the waveform but have not been detected.
one possible reason a packet detection may have been missed is if a false detection occurred earlier in the waveform, but the l-sig check passed, causing samples to be skipped. to search within possible false detections, enable the
property.alternatively try decreasing the
property to detect packet with low snr during detection.
for detail on 802.11ax and 802.11ac signal recovery and processing, see the recovery procedure for an 802.11ax packet and examples.
ieee std 802.11™ - 2020 ieee standard for information technology - telecommunications and information exchange between systems - local and metropolitan area networks - specific requirements - part 11: wireless lan medium access control (mac) and physical layer (phy) specifications.
ieee 802.11ax™ - 2021 ieee standard for information technology - telecommunications and information exchange between systems - local and metropolitan area networks - specific requirements - part 11: wireless lan medium access control (mac) and physical layer (phy) specifications - amendment 6: enhancements for high efficiency wlan.
local functions
these functions assist in sdr set up.
function options = getdeviceoptions % getdeviceoptions returns a string array with all saved wireless % testbench radio configurations and communication toolbox support package % sdrs spkgsdrs = getsupportpackagesdrs; % check for wt configurations if user has wt installed and a valid license if ~isempty(ver('wt')) && license('test','wireless_testbench') savedradioconfigurations = radioconfigurations; savedradioconfigurationnames = [string({})]; else savedradioconfigurationnames = []; end options = [savedradioconfigurationnames spkgsdrs]; end function options = getantennaoptions(devicename) %getantennaoptions returns a string array of valid antenna configurations %for a specified devicename % acquire valid antenna values based on radio if ~matches(devicename,getsupportpackagesdrs) antennas = hcaptureantennas(devicename); elseif matches(devicename,["x300","fmcomms5"]) antennas = [1 2 3 4]'; elseif matches(devicename,["pluto", "b200", "n200/n210/usrp2"]) antennas = 1; else antennas = [1 2]'; end % generate a string array list of all valid antenna configurations options = strings(0,1); for a = 1:length(antennas) % generate unique combinations antennacombinations = nchoosek(antennas,a); % generate list of all unique combinations for i = 1:size(antennacombinations, 1) options = [options;string(mat2str(antennacombinations(i,:)))]; %#okend end end function spkgsdrs = getsupportpackagesdrs %getsupportpackagesdrs returns a string array of communication toolbox %support package sdrs that are supported for this example spkgsdrs = ["pluto" "ad936x" "fmcomms5" "e3xx" "b200" "b210" "n200/n210/usrp2" "x300"]; end function rx = getsdrobject(devicename,antennas,fc,sr,gain,rx) %getsdrobject returns a wireless testbench basebandreceiver object %or an hsdrreceiver object with the properties of the object set according %to the input parameters % create sdr object for waveform capture and set object's properties if matches(devicename,getsupportpackagesdrs) rx = hsdrreceiver(devicename); rx.outputdatatype = 'double'; rx.channelmapping = eval(antennas); rx.gain = gain; else % wireless testbench hardware % keep existing basebandreceiver object for performance purposes if ~isa(rx,'basebandreceiver') rx = basebandreceiver(devicename); end rx.capturedatatype = 'double'; rx.antennas = eval(antennas); rx.radiogain = gain; end rx.samplerate = sr; rx.centerfrequency = fc; end