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visualization and analytics -凯发k8网页登录

multi-object theater plots, detection and object tracks, and track metrics

use to plot ground truth, coverages, detections, and tracks. get error metrics for tracks using . analyze and compare performance of multi-object tracking systems using , , and .


plot objects, detections, and tracks in scenario
virtual globe for tracking scenario visualization
add custom terrain data
remove custom terrain data
3-d pose plot
pose plot appearance and behavior
display time-domain signals
track establishment, maintenance, and deletion metrics
track error and nees
optimal subpattern assignment (ospa) metric
generalized optimal subpattern assignment (gospa) metric
clear multi-object tracking metrics
allan variance
magnetometer calibration coefficients


calculate generalized optimal subpattern assignment metric
calculate optimal subpattern assignment metric


  • customize timescope properties and use measurement tools.
