get started with image acquisition toolbox -凯发k8网页登录
image acquisition toolbox™ provides functions and blocks for connecting cameras to matlab® and simulink®. it includes a matlab app that lets you interactively detect and configure hardware properties. you can then generate equivalent matlab code to automate your acquisition in future sessions. the toolbox enables acquisition modes such as processing in-the-loop, hardware triggering, background acquisition, and synchronizing acquisition across multiple devices.
image acquisition toolbox supports all major standards and hardware vendors, including usb3 vision, gige vision®, and genicam™ gentl. you can connect to machine vision cameras and frame grabbers, as well as high-end scientific and industrial devices.
this tutorial presents a step-by-step approach to using the toolbox to acquire image data.
- get started with image acquisition explorer
use the image acquisition explorer to preview, configure, acquire, and save image data.
all video interface adaptors are available through the hardware support packages. using this installation process, you download and install the necessary files on your host computer.