detection and tracking -凯发k8网页登录
object detection is a technique that identifies and locates objects in a scene. this enables you to detect 3-d objects in a point cloud. lidar toolbox™ includes functionality that enables you to detect objects using geometric shape fitting or deep learning with convolutional neural networks.
geometric shape fitting — detect the 3-d geometry of the objects in the point cloud by using ground segmentation and plane-fitting algorithms. you can detect the location, dimensions and direction of each object. you can use the detected objects for downstream workflows such as tracking, path planning and labeling.
deep learning — a deep learning approach to object detection uses convolutional neural networks to perform object detection. lidar toolbox includes object detection workflows that use neural networks such as pointpillars and complex-yolo v4. you can train a custom object detection model, or use the available pretrained networks and further tune it for your application. the toolbox also supports cuda® mex code generation for pointpillars and squeezesegv2 networks.
object tracking is a technique that estimates and tracks the movement of objects across multiple scans of a scene. object tracking consists of assigning a unique id to detected objects and tracking their movement across point cloud frames. lidar toolbox includes detection and tracking workflows for vehicles, road lanes, and curbs. most of these workflows use the joint probabilistic data association (jpda) tracker.
learn point cloud processing using deep learning.
define pointpillars network and learn how to perform object detection using the same.
- (deep learning toolbox)
learn how to use datastores in deep learning applications.
- (deep learning toolbox)
discover all the deep learning layers in matlab®.