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ros specialized messages -凯发k8网页登录

access messages from specialized sensors and inputs

specialized message functions enable you to create and access sensors and data types using specific ros and ros 2 message types. you can use the same functions to work with specific ros and ros 2 specialized message types. for examples of accessing data from these sensors, see work with specialized ros messages.


convert ros or ros 2 image data into matlab image
write matlab image to ros or ros 2 image message
write monocular or stereo camera parameters to ros or ros 2 message structure
display lidar scan or point cloud from ros or ros 2 message structure
read laser scan ranges in cartesian coordinates from ros or ros 2 message structure
return scan angles from ros or ros 2 message structure
display lidar scan or point cloud from ros or ros 2 message structures
extract xyz coordinates from ros or ros 2 point cloud message structure
write data points in x, y and z coordinates to a ros or ros 2 pointcloud2 message structure
extract rgb color values from ros or ros 2 point cloud message structure
write rgb color information to a ros or ros 2 pointcloud2 message structure
get all available field names from ros or ros 2 point cloud message structure
read point cloud data from ros or ros 2 message structure based on field name
write intensity data points to a ros or ros 2 pointcloud2 message structure
display lidar scan or point cloud from ros or ros 2 message structures
create matlab quaternion object from ros or ros 2 message structure
read velodyne ros messages
determine if another velodyne point cloud is available in the ros messages
read point cloud frame from ros message
reset currenttime property of velodynerosmessagereader object to default value
read binary occupancy grid data from ros or ros 2 message structure
read occupancy grid data from ros or ros 2 message structure
read 3-d map from ros or ros 2 octomap message structure
write values from binary occupancy grid to ros or ros 2 message structure
write values from occupancy grid to ros or ros 2 message structure


extract image from ros image message
extract scan data from ros or ros 2 laser scan message
extract point cloud from ros pointcloud2 message
write image data to a ros or ros 2 message
write point cloud data to a ros or ros 2 message


specialized ros messages

  • work with specialized ros messages
    handle message types for laser scans, uncompressed and compressed images, point clouds, camera info, occcupancy grid, and octomap messages.

  • handle velodynescan messages from a velodyne lidar.

  • demonstrates the use of ros message structures, and their benefits and differences from message objects.