create custom views -凯发k8网页登录
system models tend to be large and complex. you can create a custom subset of components from architecture models by filtering model elements based on criteria such as stereotypes, properties, and requirement links. this custom subset is called an architecture view and is a simplified way of working with complex systems. you can use views to focus on certain parts of the architectural design and create operational, functional, or physical views for analysis.
use architectural spotlight views to analyze component dependencies and hierarchy.
use queries to define custom viewpoints on the architecture model. view filters rely on the constraints defined by queries. define queries programmatically.
define architecture views and hierarchical views in the . hierarchical views show the same set of components in tree form.
create and manage architecture views and sequence diagrams |
view components in the context of the entire architecture.
view structural and functional model hierarchies interactively.
view structural and functional model hierarchies programmatically.
use hierarchy diagrams to view different aspects of architecture models.