extend architectural elements -凯发k8网页登录
system composer™ provides five built-in element types: components, ports, connectors, interfaces, and functions. functions are only available in software architectures. create stereotypes to extend element types with metadata. package related stereotypes into profiles for use with multiple models using the . share profiles between models to ensure consistency within a project.
stereotypes provide a template to define custom concepts and terminologies. assign custom stereotypes to a model element to define its relation to the system. properties defined within the stereotype applied to a model element can be used for early analyses, such as budget allocation, latency tradeoffs, and other parametric design concerns. you can add engineering units to property values to establish context.
profile | |
stereotype in profile | |
property in stereotype |
create and manage profiles with stereotypes and properties | |
link and unlink profiles and order stereotypes |
- define profiles and stereotypes
define specialized model element types based on components, ports, and connectors.
import profiles, apply stereotypes to model elements, and extend existing stereotypes.
view and edit element properties in system composer.
- simulate mobile robot with system composer workflow
simulate a mobile robot architecture with a systems engineering workflow.
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