matlab and simulink requirements

product requirements & platform availability for automated driving toolbox -凯发k8网页登录

supported platforms

mac, windows, linux

product requirements

  • requires matlab
  • requires computer vision toolbox
  • requires image processing toolbox
  • parallel computing toolbox is required for functions that support gpu computing: vehicledetectorfasterrcnn, fastrcnnobjectdetectormonocamera, and fasterrcnnobjectdetectormonocamera.
  • unreal engine-based simulation and visualization only runs in windows.
  • deep learning toolbox required for the vehicledetectorfasterrcnn function
  • roadrunner, roadrunner scenario, and simulink required to simulate simulink agents in roadrunner scenario

eligible for use with matlab compiler and simulink compiler

yes - see details

eligible for use with parallel computing toolbox and matlab parallel server


introduced in r2017a

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