video length is 4:59

introduction to model-凯发k8网页登录

from the series: using qualified tools in a do-178c development process

this is an introduction to the use of model-based design and formal methods in a process compliant with do-178c, do-331, do-333, and do-330. mathworks tools may be used in both the development and verification phases of a do-178c project. while mathworks tools support a broad range of capabilities for both systems and software, there are recommended limited subsets for using the tools on embedded systems that need to be certified. simulink®, stateflow®, and requirements toolbox™ are used to develop the design of the software in compliance with do-331 model-based development and verification. simulink report generator™ is used to provide a design description document and trace data, as required by do-331 and do-178c. the verification of the design is performed using simulink check™, simulink test™, simulink coverage™, and simulink design verifier™. simulink design verifier uses formal analysis in compliance with do-333 formal methods. matlab coder™, simulink coder™, and embedded coder® are used to develop the source code for the system. verification of the source code is performed using simulink code inspector™, polyspace bug finder™, and polyspace code prover™. polyspace code prover uses formal analysis in compliance with do-333 formal methods. verification of the executable object code is performed using simulink test and simulink coverage in conjunction with processor-in-the-loop testing capability. to take credit for the use of these tools, they must be qualified under the guidance of do-330 software tool qualification considerations. the do qualification kit provides the necessary documentation and testing artifacts to perform tool qualification for the tools that require it.

published: 24 sep 2024
